Culture / Media Coverage

“Mandate Freedom” Message Is Taking Canada By Storm And The Media Cannot Beat It

The legacy government-funded media in Canada has been having a difficult time pulling their usual tricks, trying to smear this anti-mandate convoy. All of the media’s attacks have for the most part failed in the face of the simple and focused message of the convoy that cannot be easily twisted by dishonest journalists.

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Photo-Essay: The Freedom Rallies The Media Doesn’t Want People To Remember

The mainstream media is deliberately not covering these mass events, but we at TNT are committed to actually covering reality, so we will cover these events.  

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Canadian Truckers Have Started Canada’s Tea Party Movement

Even though Canada finds itself in a different position than the Americans did 13 years ago, the 2022 freedom trucker convoy is a response to the same sort of problem; government meddling with the healthcare of its citizens, burning boatloads of cash and damaging the economy in the process. 

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Paranoid Vaccine Culture Is Tearing Canadian Families Apart

Recently in Quebec, a father was unable to see his 12-year-old child because his ex-wife petitioned the courts to have his visitation privileges removed until February because he is unvaccinated. The judge ruled that this was in the “best interest” of the child despite COVID-19 not posing a significant danger to children and the child already being vaccinated. 

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Patrone: Terminated And Demonized, Couple Now Speaks Out About Vaccine ‘Bullying’

Needless the say, their decision not to get the COVID jab necessitated a major lifestyle change that included, offering support for those who find themselves in a similar spot. Rather than see themselves as ‘victims’, the two have decided to fight back, opting to become outspoken opponents of coercive vaccine mandates.

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Evan Solomon Spreads Misinformation by Asserting that COVID-19 is worse than Polio

Evan Solomon will likely not be called out by major news networks for his ridiculous reasoning that COVID is worse than polio because he is part of the elite media world where he gets to pretend that he is an objective truth-tellers, despite his often laughable perspectives.

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Liberal “Modern Economic Theory” is a Complete Joke, yet Its Proponents Get Nobel Prizes

The “natural experiments” they made were simply looking at statistics in an overly specific scenario; only measuring certain aspects of the equation, and then making claims that contradict the law of supply and demand (the undeniable force natural selection applied to the economy). If you know anything about economics, you know this law cannot be violated without catastrophic results. 

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The Surge in PPC Support Is Changing Canada’s Political Landscape

The leader of the People’s Party of Canada Maxime Bernier may be the only candidate for the party that has a solid shot at winning a seat during the 2021 snap election, but that doesn’t mean the PPC isn’t having a permanent effect on Canadian politics. 

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Raheel Raza: Reflections from Muslim Reformers 20 years after 9/11

Right after 9/11, analysts and political pundits took to the stage – there were books and articles written with a view about how to defeat the enemy militarily. But very few pinpointed the underlying cause that this is a war against an ideology – that this is not a war of weapons but a war of ideas. Muslim reformers had predicted what would happen if the ideology goes unchecked. There is an entire generation of young people – the millennials who have no idea of the history of Islamism which existed before 9/11. 

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Majority of Canadians Respect Others’ Choices on Vaccines Despite Media Propaganda

It may come as a shock to Canada’s liberal legacy media, but in spite of all the propaganda coming out which demonizes people for making their own medical choices when it comes to vaccines, the majority of Canadians still respect the choices that others make and wouldn’t view them any differently for making them.

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