Patrone: Terminated And Demonized, Couple Now Speaks Out About Vaccine ‘Bullying’

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on December 7, 2021

Married life hasn’t exactly gone to plan for Celia and Justin but sometimes life’s detours can have unexpected rewards.

Celia Rutte and Justin Bolieiro tied the knot on November 14th with a dream of one day moving to a country “homestead” north of Toronto to grow vegetables, raise animals and run a small engine repair business.

The ten-year timetable was put into overdrive when their decision to not get vaccinated led to Justin’s termination from a government-related position. Fast forward a few weeks from their wedding and the couple now reside full time in Owen Sound; two hours north of Toronto.

“There’s a lot of horrible things that happened during this pandemic but surprisingly, some wonderful things. We were forced to come up here when the pandemic started. We’re living that dream, 10 years early,” Celia said.

She describes the energy in Toronto as weird these days to the point she now just wants to get out as quickly as she can.

“I haven’t talked to anyone in the last two weeks who is in a good mood.”

Celia continues to run an interior design company from home in Owen Sound while Justin, a mechanical technologist remains in the market for a new job.

Needless the say, their decision not to get the COVID jab necessitated a major lifestyle change that included, offering support for those who find themselves in a similar spot. Rather than see themselves as ‘victims’, the two have decided to fight back, opting to become outspoken opponents of coercive vaccine mandates.

Justin says he and his wife have been thanked for their “courage,” but says making a stand is really about survival.

“When people congratulate us and say, ‘thank you so much for speaking out, you have so much courage,’ I can’t help but think, why does this take courage?’”

Justin says it’s more like leaving a burning house in the middle of winter and having guests call him brave for getting out of the inferno.

“I’d rather risk frostbite than stay in that burning house,” Justin said.

After declining the jab, the two encountered push back from some family and friends but dozens of others rallied around the pair for refusing to be coerced or bullied into making a decision about their health care they don’t feel comfortable with.

With the help of a growing support network which includes vaccinated people who do not believe in ‘bullying’ anyone into getting jabbed, the two have become outspoken critics of the mandates.

“We’ve had numerous people confessing they cried when they’ve had to get the vaccine. At this point, we don’t feel that we have a choice.” Celia said.

When asked what the future holds, Justin says he’s learned to embrace the ‘winding road’ of the unknown over the easy, straight and narrow.

“I’d rather go the road to the left I can’t see, I’d rather risk that instead of the road that’s clearly laid ahead straight,” he said.

If their marriage so far has been any indication, there will be no shortage of twists and turns in the days ahead.


If you are interested in reading more articles from Marc Patrone his newsletter is hosted on substack at the link here.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

2 responses to “Patrone: Terminated And Demonized, Couple Now Speaks Out About Vaccine ‘Bullying’”

  1. Wayne says:

    Well done! Enjoy life in the nice lane.

  2. Mars says:

    This is the way