Culture / Media Coverage

Legacy Media Asks Jewish Convoy Organizer To Respond to “White Nationalist” Accusation

Just today Freedom Convoy organizer Benjamin Dichter was messaged by Sarah Smellie  journalist from Canadian Press asking him to answer “people who study” far-right movements who are accusing him of being an “extremist” and or a “white nationalist.”

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CBC Invents “Phantom Honking” To Smear Freedom Convoy

There has been a long list of ridiculous accusations thrown at the Freedom Convoy by the legacy media to discredit it, but “Phantom Honking” may yet be the most ridiculous. 

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Donald Trump Calls Out Justin Trudeau’s “Tyranny” In CPAC 2022 Speech

President Donald Trump during his speech at CPAC 2022 in Miami Flordia called out Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the physical violence and slanderous rhetoric used against the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters. 

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Justin Trudeau Betrayed Canada And Liberal Activists Love It

This morning the hashtag #TrudeauWasRight trended on Twitter, with many Liberal activists putting out messages supportive of Trudeau cracking down on his political opponents.

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Ecoterrorists Attack Coastal Gaslink Site While Police Crackdown On Peaceful Protesters

It may be why the polls have shifted hard in the Conservative Party’s favour. No matter how many scuffed online polls come out claiming the Freedom Convoy is unpopular, Canadians are quite done with the endless restrictions and authoritarian behaviour of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party.

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GoFundMe Corruption Lays The Path For Bitcoin To Become A Major Fundraising Tool

Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are fully decentralized and do not require permission from middlemen like fundraising websites and banks in order to gain access to funds sent to the Freedom Convoy. 

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Convoy Supporters Shovel Sidewalks, Feed Homeless, and Pick Up Garbage – Media Freaks Out

Canadians are finally waking up to the corrupt state of the legacy media, and realizing that for decades taxpayers have been funding left-wing government propagandists who have shown themselves to hate the rights and freedoms the convoy is protesting to restore.

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Truckers Have Brought Back Freedom Culture to Canada

The Freedom Convoy 2022 can be credited for not only pushing back on the government’s vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions, which has resulted so far in the Alberta and Saskatchewan government’s seemingly preparing to drop all of their measures but also reinvigorating Canada with a culture of freedom.

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Donald Trump Endorses Canadian Truckers While Justin Trudeau Hides From Them

Former President Donald Trump at a rally in Texas, gearing up for the 2022 midterm election season, gave a shoutout to Canadian truckers participating in the Freedom Convoy 2022 that has garnered international attention and inspired several other convoys abroad. 

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CBC Speculates If Russians “instigated” The Freedom Convoy Movement

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as if to make sure Canadians remember not to take them seriously, speculated today over whether or not the Russian government is trying to “fuel” or even “instigated” the Freedom Convoy movement.

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