Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Destroys Reporter For “Don’t Say Gay Bill” Question

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on March 8, 2022

Yesterday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis received a question from a legacy news reporter at a recent press event about a new Republican bill currently going through the Flordia Senate which the state Democrats have labeled the “don’t say gay bill.” 

The reporter shoehorned in the Democrat talking point and referred to the Parental Rights in Education bill as “what critics call the don’t say gay bill” implying that the attack on the legislation as anti-gay is reasonable.

DeSantis cut the reporter off, put him on the spot, and demanded to know if the actual bill says anything close to what the Democrats are claiming it does with their alternative title for it.

The clip below shows how quickly the reporter crumbles in the face of DeSantis fact-checking the unreasonable premise he was being given in the question. 

It was not even as if the reporter was going to ask DeSantis what he thought of the Democrats trying to label the Republican’s bill the “don’t say gay bill” as he proceeded to try and defend the use of that term before being shown to have a weak understanding of the bill’s contents. 

The Parental Rights in Education bill bans only classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity for children in pre-K to grade 3, which the Democrats have tried to spin into a draconian ban of all discussion of those topics in school, no matter what grade level.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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