Black History Month isn’t about partisanship, but something that can bring us together

Black people have been existing and contributing to this great land since pre-confederation, yet we don’t know a lot of their stories. From John Ware to Eleanor Collins, to Lincoln Alexander, to the all-black battalion in Word War 1 – we have so many stories of black history to tell. I look forward to seeing these stories become more known through Black History Month.

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Fort McMurray MP says Ottawa will fuel Wexit movement if Teck is killed

Yurdiga said, “Albertans will not accept a “no” decision from the federal government regarding the Frontier oil sands project. If the federal government tries blocking a project that has gone through 10 years of regulatory process, that has been approved by both the federal and provincial regulators and has overcome every hurdle, Albertans will have to decide if we should be part of a nation that continues to attack our ability to develop our resources and create jobs.”

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Liberals will either cancel gun ban or get trampled next election

With the petition e-2341 calling for the Liberals to debate their proposed gun legislation and various bans ticking closer to 160,000 signatures, it seems that the gun lobby organizations like the National Firearms Association (NFA) have already won the debate.

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Alberta ditches experimental environmentalist curriculum for something practical

Alberta’s Education Minister, Adriana LaGrange, has endorsed the Curriculum Advisory Panel report recommending Alberta’s curriculum to emphasize teaching students to perform well on standardized testing. 

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Wexit should identify closely with Métis Resistance to Federal government meddling

January 27th the City of Saskatoon’s council unanimously approved the displaying of Treaty 6 Métis Nation flags at city-run facilities in a display of respect for the traditional owners of the land.

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NBA Legend Michael Jordan makes Medicare available to the uninsured

It is not unheralded for celebrities to donate large sums of money to charity. But Jordan has paved the way for improving the lives of others and building up communities. He will be opening healthcare clinics, named Novant Health, to serve those who are underinsured. 

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Métis Nation Ontario failing to comply with Métis National Definition

MNC had severe concerns with MNO granting Métis citizenship to people living in Eastern Ontario. This is due to standards set by the MNC to judge who legitimately has Métis ancestry. Often it is regionally restricted based on no evidence that Métis communities have ever existed in certain areas.

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NDP Deputy leader gets the Royals’ issue right while Singh wavers

This is a brilliant move for Boulerice, but despite that the NDP positions itself as the party for the working-class, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh won’t rule out paying for the Royals, showing a cultural rift in the party.

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Saskatchewan stands with Alberta and Ontario against Liberal gun laws

Saskatchewan will be joining both Alberta and Ontario in opposing the wide-reaching gun bans and extra barriers to ownership. All three provinces will be fighting an uphill battle as the Canadian federal government holds sole jurisdiction over firearms ownership across all Canadian provinces and territories. 

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