NBA Legend Michael Jordan makes Medicare available to the uninsured

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on January 28, 2020

Six-time champion and former NBA superstar Michael Jordan is using his wealth to provide much-needed services to the needy.

It is not unheralded for celebrities to donate large sums of money to charity. But Jordan has paved the way for improving the lives of others and building up communities. He will be opening healthcare clinics, named Novant Health, to serve those who are underinsured. 

In a tearful announcement at Charlotte, North Carolina, Jordan highlighted the opening of the first Novant Health clinic. He explained that he wanted to give back to a city that had given him so much growing up.

“This is a very emotional thing for me to be able to give back to a community that has supported me over the years, from when I was playing the game of basketball, to now when I’m a part of this community,” Jordan said.

The construction of the second clinic is already underway, and Jordan said that the five clinics “are projected to care for nearly 35,000 children and adults who do not currently have access to primary and preventive care or who use the emergency room for non-urgent medical needs.”

The actual clinics will not be those for emergency care or for those who need substantial medical care, but the clinic will help with diagnosis and preventative care to reduce the need for other medical care in the future.

Not only is Jordan’s Novant Health clinics going to help individuals, but it will also ease pressure on the government’s subsidized healthcare options for low-income families.

Although philanthropy tends to be far less common than the standard donation to charity, this new project of his seems a far more promising form of charity. Being directly involved in how each dollar of your social assistance is spent shows far more interest in making a difference and guarantees the quality of your charitable pursuit.

Hopefully, more celebrities and former athletes will pursue projects like this in the future, which seem like they will make a noticeable and long long-lasting.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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