Black History Month isn’t about partisanship, but something that can bring us together

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on February 12, 2020

The National Telegraph received an exclusive interview with UCP Minister of Municipal Affairs, Kaycee Madu, on the significance of Black History Month to Canadians.

Per Madu, African and Carribean Canadians have been crucial in shaping the foundation of contemporary Canada. Here’s what the Minister had to say:

1.Why do you think black history is still important in our current year?

Black people have been existing and contributing to this great land since pre-confederation, yet we don’t know a lot of their stories. From John Ware to Eleanor Collins, to Lincoln Alexander, to the all-black battalion in Word War 1 – we have so many stories of black history to tell. I look forward to seeing these stories become more known through Black History Month.  

2. What do you think the goal of Black History Month should be?

So many groups have contributed to our great country, including African and Caribbean people. I think the goal of Black History Month should be to recognize that black history is very much a part of the Canadian identity and the Canadian story.

3. Do you think there is a difference between black history in the U.S., Canada, or Alberta? 

Many black people came to Canada after the American Civil War. Others immigrated here just recently. While our stories are all different, we are all bonded by our pursuit of a good life.

4. Which people would you want to highlight for Black History Month that typically gets passed over?

I am fond of the story of John Ware. He was born into slavery in the American south but moved north after the Civil War. He eventually became one of Alberta’s most celebrated cowboys, credited with introducing longhorn cattle to our province and helping to build the foundation of our ranching industry.  

5. Do you think that the month tends to get monopolized with left-wing figures?

I think people have done a good job recognizing that Black History Month isn’t about partisanship, but something that can bring us together.

Message from Minister Madu

Madu Pic.jpg

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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