Regardless of the obvious utility and focus of Bill C-238 for dealing with gun violence, especially in urban areas, the Liberals and NDP defeated the bill on its second reading in favour of continuing to pursue their antagonistic gun ban against law-abiding Canadian gun owners.
Since November O’Toole’s favorable rating has taken a hard tumble, dropping down to 63 percent in the most recent Angus Reid poll, a 13 percent loss in popularity among conservatives in little over two months.
According to the UK Human Rights Blog in Belgium in the Weimar District Court, a judge ruled in the case of a man charged for not complying with mandatory mask laws that the enforcement of mask-wearing was unconstitutional.
What is surprising for many Canadians is that their Conservative party, who is supposed to be the Liberal’s opposition, is offering their support for this bill.
Media Bias is often envisioned as hard and fast advocating for one political perspective over another, but the situation with Payette shows how the media’s selection bias of stories and the effort in which they put into covering them can be as much of a boon to Trudeau as an open defence of his bad actions.
If O’Toole didn’t foresee the media pressing him harder after he showed weakness by removing Derek Sloan for unexplainable reasons, then either he wants more excuses to pivot further left or he is evidently still a political rookie.
Simply put, Trudeau will gladly let Biden lead him around by the nose on the Keystone XL pipeline since what Biden wants to do already falls underneath Trudeau’s environmentalist agenda, and if Biden cancels the pipeline Trudeau can act like he wasn’t part of the problem.
Erin O’Toole has had a terrible stretch over the last two weeks, he started the expected ritual the man who runs as a “True Blue Conservative” in the leadership race begins to distance himself from the conservative base by getting into a silly fight with Ezra Levant and Rebel media. O’Toole had done an interview with the Rebel, but to appeal to the segment of the population that would never vote for him, he denied that he did.
Shields apparently took issue with the fact that Sloan had been encouraging his leadership campaign’s supporters who were on his email list to sign up to be delegates to the 2021 CPC convention.
While, for the most part, this was the case, after clinching the nomination he has committed to supporting Bernie Sanders’ radical agenda items. Typically we see this cycle play out the other way around. Candidates tend to adopt more radical positions to capture the ideologically-driven vote of their respective party during the primaries, before moderating in the general election to attract voters in the middle.
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