
Trudeau Claims Closing Illegal Roxham Road Crossing Will Not Stop Arrival of “Asylum Seekers”

In the face of Legault’s reasonable criticism against a border crossing that enables illegal migration and puts pressure on Canadian taxpayers to foot the bill for those who supposedly are unsafe in the United States, Trudeau made excuses for doing nothing. 

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Everything Wrong With The CPC Leadership Debate

The CPC leadership was a complete disaster. Moderator Tom Clark made himself the centre of attention while the 15 second answer prevented anything of substance from being said.

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Conservative MP Calls Out Liberals For Using Military Aircraft To Monitor Freedom Convoy

Yesterday during Question Period in Parliament Conservative MP for South Surrey-White Rock, Kerry-Lynne Findlay, ask the Liberals about one of the lesser-known episodes of the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, which the Liberals are evidently uncomfortable with discussing based on their answers.

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Former Bank of Canada Governor Lies About Inflation To Attack Pierre Poilievre

It is telling that there has been so much heat on Poilievre from the media and various “financial experts.” It all feels like a coordinated effort to try and discredit Poilievre through insinuation he is wrong while being unable to actually prove him wrong.

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Pierre Poilievre Ended Jean Charest Just By Asking About His Huawei Connections

This is why Poilievre’s real score on Charest was his record working for Huawei, a company deeply connected to the Chinese Communist Party. Charest took a paycheck from Huawei at the same time that the CCP took the two Micheals hostage. This was what Poilievre went after him for by simply asking how much he got paid while making a scene of him trying to dodge the question.

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Leslyn Lewis Plans To Stop Digital ID And WEF Influence In Canada

In an email put out to Conservative Party members Haldimand—Norfolk MP and leadership candidate Dr. Leslyn Lewis gave a detailed explanation for her opposition to Digital ID as well as the World Economic Forum (WEF) which promotes Digital ID and other policies that centralizes government power.

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Pierre Poilievre: Evidence Shows The Downing Of Flight PS752 Was A “Willful Act Of Terrorism” By The IRGC

When I asked Pierre Poilievre directly, considering all the evidence surrounding the PS752 case, would he reject the notion it was a “systems failure”, but instead a willful act of terrorism committed by the IRGC he agreed stating that “the evidence points to a willful act of terrorism by the IRGC”.

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Police Are Arresting People In Ottawa For Previously Attending Freedom Convoy Protest

If someone did assault a police officer they definitely should be arrested, but there is heavy skepticism of whether or not an assault, or any crime for that manner, actually happened as the police have been the ones clearly acting more aggressively on the ground during Rolling Thunder. 

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Pierre Poilievre Commits To Banning Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in Canada

Now in further development on Poilievre’s position on CBDCs, this morning he publicly stated in a press release and on social media post that he will be seeking to both audit the printing of currency by the Bank of Canada as well as outright ban the Central Bank implementing a CBDC. 

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Liberals’ Bill C-18 Seeks To Force Big Tech To Fund Legacy Media At Independent Media’s Expense

The Liberal government’s Heritage Minister MP Pablo Rodriguez is seeking to pass a new piece of legislation that under the guise of supporting Canadian local media will pad out the budgets of already subsidized legacy media, at the expense of independent news publications.

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