Conservative MP Calls Out Liberals For Using Military Aircraft To Monitor Freedom Convoy

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on May 10, 2022

Yesterday during Question Period in Parliament Conservative MP for South Surrey-White Rock, Kerry-Lynne Findlay, asked the Liberals about one of the lesser-known episodes of the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, which the Liberals are evidently uncomfortable with discussing based on their answers.

MP Findlay brought up the fact that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government had Canadian Special Forces monitoring the Freedom Convoy protest using an ISR aircraft (surveillance aircraft).

Finlay then asked: 

If the government was prepared to send up an ISR aircraft over the protest, what was it doing to gather intelligence on the ground? Because one does not engage one without the other. My question is what was the coordination between Public Safety, National Defence, Canadian Forces, Privy Council, and the Prime Minister’s Office during the protest?

Liberal MP and Minister of National Defence Anita Anand responded by simply deflecting to the excuse MP Finlay had already predicted would be used. Anand said that it was just a training exercise and refused to clarify what was the ISR aircraft doing during a training exercise right over the Freedom Convoy protest.

MP Finlay then rightfully pointed out the absurdity of saying that the ISR aircraft was “just on a training exercise” when any training exercise an ISR aircraft performs would have to include the gathering of intelligence over a target, and the aircraft was flying around right above the Freedom Convoy.

Example of an ISR aircraft.

In a follow-up question, Finlay then asks what special policing powers were given to the armed forces at the time of the convoy protest.

After yet another non-answer from Minister Anand, it should be quite clear that there is more to the story of the ISR aircraft than just a “training exercise,” and that the Liberal government definitely seems like they are hiding something about their actions during the Freedom Convoy.

This lines up with the way Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino failed to answer a question from Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen about the lack of accountability from the Liberals when it comes to their reasoning for invoking the Emergencies Act.

It is well-known already that the Liberals’ “investigation” into the use of the Emergencies Act is purely focused on unjustly investigating the Freedom Convoy and assuming good intentions from the Liberal Cabinet. Justin Trudeau chose a judge who is a long-time Liberal Party donor to head up the investigation likely to ensure no questions about his actions would be brought up during the investigation.

Now with the NDP supposedly backing the Liberals in Parliament until 2025, Canadians may not get any answers pertaining to the Liberals’ use of the Emergencies Act until after the next federal election, unless the Liberal-NDP relationship sours.

Stay tuned for more information, but unless a major political shift happens updates on this story may be slow to come out.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

2 responses to “Conservative MP Calls Out Liberals For Using Military Aircraft To Monitor Freedom Convoy”

  1. says:

    There will never be accountability with this Liberal cabinet, the Canadian taxpayers need to start growing a backbone and stand up to the communist Liberals. Enough is enough, this has to stop!

  2. Nancy W says:

    These WEF lieberals/NDP puppets, traitors to Canada seem somehow to get away with and break the laws with ease, then lie. If the RCMP or is it now filled with antifa/BLM members, will not arrest and charge them, as they have been ask to several times, what can we do. Crime has become a way of life now in what was Canada. After watching the heroes of the Truck Convoy being destroyed illegally and lied about, while at least thirty violent paid antifa dressed in riot gear stood laughing while they held down and beat horribly a trucker on film, and that many of our actually really happy and peaceful Freedom fighters were abused and their property stolen or smashed accounts frozen etc. We used yo have proud really good law abiding great police forces, where are they? Did we loose them all to these forced experimental jabs? I know some of them are still with us. and the same as,says