
Trudeau’s WE Charity Testimony Is Going To Destroy His Popularity

Nobody should be that shocked that in the coming weeks Trudeau’s personal popularity plunges below 40 percent  as well as the Liberal party’s approval is overtaken by the Conservatives who have cast themselves as Trudeau’s toughest critics.

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Viersen, MP Peace River—Westlock: Mr. Trudeau, WE Have a Problem

Prime Minister Trudeau cannot hide from the latest scandal. Nor can he dismiss it with a simple ‘sorry’. He didn’t make a mistake – he made a choice to hand almost a billion dollars to a charity that has paid multiple members of his immediate family almost $300,000 for speaking events when other speakers were not paid. An organization that also employs immediate family members of the Finance Minister’s family. 

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Ford’s Bill 195 is a worse scandal than Trudeau’s WE fiasco

Just as the Conservatives rallied around Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott when they put their political careers on the line to stand for what was right, the Conservatives must rally around Belinda Karahalios or their smallest crime will be hypocrisy.

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Vandenhoff: Why is Trudeau punishing law-abiding firearms owners instead of criminals?

So we should really start concentrating on looking at the key point. And that’s the criminals not the law abiding firearms owners. You know, I get vetted every day. I work at a gun store. I have never committed a crime. Why am I being punished for ones that have? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

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Liberals regulatory pharma attitude is preventing new drugs from entering Canada

Canadians are very proud of our universal healthcare system, which is why sometimes legitimate criticisms are ignored out of fear of privatization.  However, for the system to benefit Canadians best some flaws need to be addressed.  This is what the Conservative and Green party is attempting to do with the life saving drug Trikafta, in […]

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Christianophobia – The issue that the media doesn’t talk about 

When you think of the world’s most persecuted religious group, you probably think of Jews or Muslims. Hate towards Muslims and Jews is called Islamophobia and antisemitism, but what about hate towards Christians? Well, it’s called ‘Christianophobia,’ and it is a growing global problem.

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Despite Canada’s COVID needs, Trudeau continues to spend millions on foreign abortions

It should be noted that this funding oftentimes flies in the face of recipient countries’ national sovereignty. The government of Niger shut down two Marie Stopes facilities in 2018 after they were found committing abortions, even though abortion is illegal in Niger.

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Trudeau and the Liberals are trying to buy popularity for the next election

It would be foolhardy to think that the Liberals don’t want to regain their majority government in the next year or so, a lot of this wasteful spending seems to be laying the ground work for their next campaign. They are simply trading debt for polling numbers hoping the debt doesn’t catch up with them sooner than later.

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NFA and CTF back small business owner’s court case against Trudeau’s gun ban

Both the Canadian Tax Federation and the National Firearms Association have stated their support for the court challenge, with the CTF sending a fundraising email to its membership and the NFA footing the bill for the legal costs.

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Trudeau’s bid for UNSC seat less successful than Harper, and more costly

Last night one old Tweet from the Liberal Party resurfaced of them criticizing former Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper for failing to secure a UNSC seat as well, but back in 2010 when Harper lost Canada, still garnered 114 votes, six more than the Liberals did.

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