Minds, on the other hand, allows users to earn tokens, with real monetary value, simply from engaging with others on the platform. All upvotes (likes), comments, reminds (shares), posts, etc go towards rewards for users, while the content is what keeps users on the platform and the site earning and growing.
It seems as if those operating Twitter are worried about Trump’s challenges over alleged election fraud, and voter irregularities, and are trying to suppress the ability of Trump and his supporters to put out information about potential election fraud in order to make the general public believe their claims are not serious.
If Notley truly believes in forcing businesses to go bankrupt or fining people $1,000 for simply inviting someone over to their own home or even $100,000 if it goes to the courts, or not making the police arrest a bar owner 400 kilometers away from the edge of civilization for not wearing a mask, has become the definition of “libertarian extremism,” her politics must be left of Mao Zedong.
Piker is notorious for his politically-charged rants. In 2019 he received an immense amount of blowback after making comments that America deserved 9/11. He also went on to disparage American troops and attacked Dan Crenshaw, mocking him for the loss of his eye.
There is a clear distinction between the faith of Islam and Islamism which uses religion for political purposes. Islamism emanates from a political interpretation of the faith, using violence as a tool to forward their subversive agenda of imposing draconian laws (sharia) and 7th century practices like armed jihad which are no longer valid in the 21st century.
The founder of Islamic Relief Canada (IRC) and current Chair of the board of directors, Hany Al Banna, has come under fire for his recent comments calling the Yazidi people “devil worshipers”.
At the very least, there seems to be some substance to the accusations made by Sidney Powell and others that Dominion may have some connections to Venezuela.
We find ourselves in a sort of television show Ford has put on for Ontario’s biggest lockdown activists, the worst being the media. He is willing to sacrifice many small business owners’ and workers’ livelihood in order to symbolically appear to be taking the situation seriously, for the applause of the media, while small businesses go bankrupt.
In his latest slap in the face to millions of legal firearm owners Trudeau blamed them for the rise in gun crime across the country, suggesting that if premiers would simply act faster in allowing their municipalities to ban handguns their problems would disappear.
For those looking to delete Facebook or Twitter in the wake of the recent, catastrophic campaign of censorship against conservatives/Trump supporters during the election, Minds.com might be worth checking out.
[…] National Telegraph […]