Many firearms owners often feel like gun confiscations are inevitable in this political climate, but Altis retroactively rejecting the contract shows that if the firearms community is large enough to push back on the Liberals attempts to ban firearms. The Liberals are the ones that are clearly on their back foot when it comes to putting their OIC gun ban into action.
From CERB to the mass shift towards EI the Liberals have done nothing to actually keep the economy afloat and instead have chosen to move the deck chairs around hoping it keeps everyone happy while the economy continues to sink lower.
One of the things law-abiding Canadian firearms owners find most frustrating about the Liberal federal government attempting to take away their property is the non-gun owning publics’ naive approval of the whole situation.
Conservative MP Derek Sloan is apparently in hot water over his recent sponsorship of Petition e-2961. This petition, tabled by Sloan a couple of weeks back, is set to address the transparency concerns of some Canadians surrounding the vaccine for Covid.
Last week the Islamic Republic of Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated. Iran is currently blaming the Israeli Mossad for the hit, which would make sense since Iran has publicly declared multiple times that their ambitions are to gain nuclear weapons to first destroy Israel and then concur the world and establish a caliphate run by the Ayatollah.
Yesterday outside of Calgary’s City Hall the members of Street Church were preparing for an all too familiar fight against the will of the city’s public officials. The leader of Street Church, Artur Pawlowski, has been providing the necessities of life for the most vulnerable in Calgary for over 21 years. During this time […]
Minds, on the other hand, allows users to earn tokens, with real monetary value, simply from engaging with others on the platform. All upvotes (likes), comments, reminds (shares), posts, etc go towards rewards for users, while the content is what keeps users on the platform and the site earning and growing.
It seems as if those operating Twitter are worried about Trump’s challenges over alleged election fraud, and voter irregularities, and are trying to suppress the ability of Trump and his supporters to put out information about potential election fraud in order to make the general public believe their claims are not serious.
If Notley truly believes in forcing businesses to go bankrupt or fining people $1,000 for simply inviting someone over to their own home or even $100,000 if it goes to the courts, or not making the police arrest a bar owner 400 kilometers away from the edge of civilization for not wearing a mask, has become the definition of “libertarian extremism,” her politics must be left of Mao Zedong.
Piker is notorious for his politically-charged rants. In 2019 he received an immense amount of blowback after making comments that America deserved 9/11. He also went on to disparage American troops and attacked Dan Crenshaw, mocking him for the loss of his eye.
[…] National Telegraph […]