
Calgary’s “Affordable Housing” Task Force Plan Is Light On Positives, Heavy On Subsidies

This is absolutely the case with the Calgary Affordable Housing Task Force reccomendations. Just because “affordable housing” is in the title does not mean the recommendations would make housing as a whole more affordable.

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Is The RCMP Investigating Or Protecting Justin Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau doesn’t want it to be public that he is still being currently investigated, but he also does not want the matter to be closed so that the public can gain access to information regarding his attempt to get SNC Lavalin a deferred prosecution for their bribery schemes in Libya. 

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The Biden Administration’s Secretive Iran Talks: A Threat to US And World Security

The Biden administration has argued that the talks need to be kept secret in order to protect the sensitive nature of the negotiations. However, this argument is not convincing. The nuclear deal is a major foreign policy issue, and the American people have a right to know what their government is doing.

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Andrew Coyne’s Mission To Move Conservatism Leftward

The Conservative Party should decisively be a party of the political centre-right to right, and I hope Pierre Poilievre and the rest of the Conservative MPs continue to ignore legacy media “conservatives” like Andrew Coyne trying to push them back to the left.

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Bernier’s Attack On True North Over His WEF Travel Shows The PPC Is Not A Serious Party

This is exactly why Bernier had to go on the offensive at Andrew Lawton and True North, claiming they were acting like the CBC. Bernier knows a lot of his political appeal realized on being perceived as an ideologically pure conservative, so instead of just admitting he attended the WEF but brushing it off as just part of his old job which does not represent who he is, he lashed out.

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PS752 Vicitm’s Father Slams Trudeau For Lying To His Face

After his 400km+ journey, Merzad had the attention of both foreign and domestic media and was in a position to put real pressure on the government. It would be one thing if Trudeau just lied, but the request to stop his social media posts was a clever and insidious political move.

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26% of 2021 Liberal Voters Will Switch To Another Party in 2025

This leaves only 67 percent of 2021 Liberal voters polled who said they will still be supporting the Liberal Party come the next election.

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Claypool: No, Taxes Cannot Stop Wildfires

The carbon tax is effectively just a revenue-generating and redistributionary tax. Ask yourself this, if Trudeau’s carbon tax was about lowering emissions, why would he give rebates back to Canadians which cover part of the cost of the tax? 

It is as if smokers were given a rebate back for cigarette taxes they pay.

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Claypool: It Was Never About The Fireworks

You could smell the absolute desperation from woke Calgary councilor Kourtney Penner who tried to preemptively head off attempts from the council to restrict the actions of the bureaucrats at city hall. Penner claimed that if Calgary city council voted to reverse the decision of city hall bureaucrats it would be “colonialism and racism.”

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Alberta’s NDP Is Playing Coy About Their Plan To Provide Free Drugs To Addicts

“Safe supply” is a program that effectively entails giving addicts on the streets access to free opioids deemed to be safer than other street drugs. In practice, this just floods the streets with more powerful drugs that can be consumed or traded for stronger drugs. 

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