
Claypool: Trudeau Rearranging Deck Chairs Won’t Save His Sinking Liberal Government

Trudeau is doing some governmental blood-letting now, so he doesn’t have poor-performing ministers weighing him down in 2025, assuming the Liberals still have any hope of winning in 2025. 

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The Left Can’t Smear Away The “Leave Our Kids Alone” Movement

Parents are not going to stop caring about their children anytime soon, and when there are threats that they might lose said children for ideological reasons there is bound to be tension. Canada has a bad history of taking children out of the homes of their parents for having a different outlook on life than the Canadian establishment.

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Chaos Was Always The Point Of Bill C-18

Not only can Justin Trudeau and the Liberals now get into a dumb fight with Big Tech companies to distract from all their ongoing scandals and poor performance on the economy, but this calms down the news cycle for Trudeau. 

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Conservatives Need To Stand Up For Parental Rights To Beat Justin Trudeau In 2025

The Conservatives need to take a long hard look at the parental rights issue ahead of the 2025 election. Avoiding the risk of standing up for parental rights will signal to many voters that a Conservative government isn’t willing to fully reverse the rot of Justin Trudeau’s radical agenda.

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Claypool: Why The Red Tory Theory Of Politics Always Fails

Simply put, passion wins elections, not focus group-tested corporate messaging. Will the Red Tories strategists learn this? Probably not, but they wouldn’t continue to be Red Tories if they learned from their mistakes. 

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Will Justin Trudeau Make It To 2025? Disapproval Of PM Hits Record High

The difference today is that not only is Trudeau plagued by more new scandals and policy failures, but it seems to have finally caused a massive public opinion shift against Trudeau over the last year. 

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Claypool: The Media Painting Poilievre As ‘Unpopular’ Is Desperate and Pathetic

The media’s sudden fascination with scrutinizing Poilievre’s personal appeal to voters has little to do with believing it’s actually worth analyzing. The “neutral” commentators in the legacy media just don’t want to have to focus on the real popularity issue, that being the failing agenda and public trust in Trudeau and the Liberal government. 

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Poilievre Out-foxes Trudeau In First Foray Into the Gender Ideology Debate

In terms of a purely political move, Poilievre’s gamble paid off as Justin Trudeau decided to step on the metaphorical bear trap that Poilievre avoided.  Justin Trudeau, pathologically unable to tolerate any political view that is not aligned with his own, decided to attack Premier Blaine Higgs over his very reasonable policies.

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Barnes: Alberta’s Election Is Over. Now What?

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that doing so won’t always be celebrated by party brass, and that’s ok. Appeasing them might make your life easier, but that’s not your job. Your duty is to put your constituents’ thoughts and concerns first.

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The Liberals’ Bill C-18 And Bill C-11 Aim Is To Destroy Independent Media

More Canadians need to be educated about what Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government are trying to do to independent media in this country. If the Liberals get their way independent media will be heavily marginalized on the internet and only subsidized government-approved media will be easily accessible online.

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