No Coincidence the Liberals are Trying to Grab Guns While Taking Away Free Speech

Over the last 40 years, we’ve seen an increasing disregard on behalf of the government when it comes to fundamental rights. Whether it’s property rights, free speech, or the completely reasonable idea that you can defend yourself from violent attacks, the government seems to put a significant amount of effort into convincing people they shouldn’t have any rights at all. Unfortunately, many Canadians now agree with the government on this topic.

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NDP likely to Gain Influence after Election, Waking Canadians up to Left-Wing Radicalism

So real conservatives in Canada may have radical left-wingers like Jagmeet Singh and his anti-Canadian caucus to thank for potentially preventing Trudeau from getting a majority for the second time in a row, as it will make Trudeau both look weak, and the radical policies the NDP will likely push will be a great tool to waking up Canadians to the crisis that is the ongoing far-left takeover of Canadian institutions and culture.

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Youtube Removed Derek Sloan’s Censored Doctors Press Conference with 650,000+ Views

Youtube was the censor in this case. If you find an old embedding of the press conference you will see if you try and play the video that it states, “This video has been removed for violating Youtube’s Terms of Service” which means someone in Youtube itself didn’t want the public viewing this press conference.

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Calgarians Expected to Toss Out Left-Wing Establishment in the Municipal Election

Craig Chandler a councilor candidate for Calgary Ward 12 while door-knocking around the mostly conservative area should be getting a good response from residents, but going towards the 2021 Calgary municipal election the positive response has been more akin to an overwhelming flood not comparable to the previous election years.

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Canadian Psychotherapist Says That School Teachers are Cultivating Transgender Kids

Dr. Ann Gillies, a retired Psychotherapist, was interviewed by The National Telegraph shortly after the passage of C-6 to get her reaction, and more importantly why there is so little pushback in Canada against the bill.

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Canadian Politics Is Dividing Between Those Who Love and Those Who Hate Canada

Maybe in previous years, there was an argument that all politicians, parties, and movements were looking to make Canada a better place and generally liked the country for what it already was, but as time goes on there is a definite rise in anti-Canadian feelings in politics today. 

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Orange Shirt Anti-Canada Protesters Pull Down Queen Victoria Statue

This is simply anti-Canadian. Canada in 2021 clearly does not support residential schools today or justify them in the country’s past, but the protesters don’t care, because they are simply standing on the graves of children in order to attack Canada. 

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Michelle Rempel Agrees That Canada Day Should be Canceled or Scaled Back

Member of Parliament for Calgary Nose Hill, Michelle Rempel tweeted today in agreement with the President Adam North Peigan, from the Sixties Scoop Indigenous Society of Alberta, who said that Calgary should scale back or outright cancel Canada Day celebrations due to the discovery of unmarked graves of children at residential schools. 

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Hundreds show up to Protest at Remand Centre Demanding Freedom for Pastor Tim Stephens

Several now well known religious and political leaders came out on Saturday to speak at a protest at the Remand Centre for Tim Stephens, pastor of Fairview Baptist Church, who is currently in prison for holding an outdoors Sunday service because the RCMP had seized Fairview Church’s property. 

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Most Canadians Don’t think Canada is Racist, but 34 Percent Do…And Probably Vote

Although conservative outlets in Canada are celebrating the results of an Angus Reid poll that showed that a majority of Canadians do not believe that Canada is a racist country, it should not be overlooked that 34 percent of poll respondents believe Canada is racist. 

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