Hypochondriacs Can No Longer Be Allowed To Control Society

The public health front in particular is where the majority of Canadians are noticing the overbearing control of the government over their lives. It feels like Canada is being increasingly run by hypochondriacs who are unable to gauge the level of risk posed to them by common viruses and germs.

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GoFundMe Corruption Lays The Path For Bitcoin To Become A Major Fundraising Tool

Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are fully decentralized and do not require permission from middlemen like fundraising websites and banks in order to gain access to funds sent to the Freedom Convoy. 

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Momentum Building: Saskatchewan and Alberta Announce End To Restrictions

Now in another major step forward against the vaccine mandates and restrictions, the Premier of Saskatchewan Scott Moe has announced that his province will be scrapping the vaccine passport requirements at midnight on Sunday. 

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A Liberal MP Defecting From The Pro-Mandate Side Puts Trudeau In Panic Mode

Lightbound, much like the current Conservative Party leader Candice Bergen, called for there to be a realistic timeline for the government to lift mandates. Lightbound also added that he had felt uncomfortable with the way his party had been trying to divide Canadians based on medical status since the beginning of the last election campaign.

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Pierre Poilievre Announces He Will Be Running To Become Canada’s Next Prime Minister!

Carleton Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre after days of speculation on whether or not he was going to run to become the Conservative Party leader after Erin O’Toole was removed from leadership has announced he will be running to become the CPC leader and one day the Prime Minister. 

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GoFundMe Shuts Down Freedom Convoy Fundraiser, Yet Promoted Violent BLM Fundraisers

There is rightful outrage at GoFundMe after the crowd-funding website shut down the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser and is going to try and pocket over $9 million not yet paid out to the convoy organizers unless donors apply for refunds. 

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Convoy Supporters Shovel Sidewalks, Feed Homeless, and Pick Up Garbage – Media Freaks Out

Canadians are finally waking up to the corrupt state of the legacy media, and realizing that for decades taxpayers have been funding left-wing government propagandists who have shown themselves to hate the rights and freedoms the convoy is protesting to restore.

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Truckers Have Brought Back Freedom Culture to Canada

The Freedom Convoy 2022 can be credited for not only pushing back on the government’s vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions, which has resulted so far in the Alberta and Saskatchewan government’s seemingly preparing to drop all of their measures but also reinvigorating Canada with a culture of freedom.

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Saskatchewan & Alberta Dropping Their Restrictions Shows The Truckers Are Winning

Clearly, Conservative politicians cannot survive in Canada while ignoring the issue of liberty. Former federal Conservative leader Erin O’Toole just proved that being against the convoy or not responding in favour of it fast enough can contribute to you losing your job.

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Watch: Convoy Organizers Hold Press Conference With Only Independent Media

The Freedom Convoy organizers may let some legacy media organizations take part in future press conferences, but it seems as though the organizers were making a point in this first press conference that there will be consequences for the media’s poor reporting and extreme rhetoric.

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