Saskatchewan & Alberta Dropping Their Restrictions Shows The Truckers Are Winning

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on February 2, 2022

Many people were skeptical of whether or not the Freedom Convoy 2022 would be able to achieve any real change, and measured on substantial results alone it could be said that the convoy has already been a success.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe on January 31 announced that his provincial government would be removing all of the COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine passports by the end of the month, which would also include vaccine mandates on provincial workers. 

Moe stated that:

People are asking their government for a return to normal, a removal of public health restrictions, It is time for us as a government to do what Saskatchewan people are asking for.

Before announcing this earlier in the day Moe made it clear how popular this position was in his province by putting out a chart from a recent poll on social media that showed 62 percent of Saskatchewan residents wanted restrictions to end.

A day after Scott Moe announced his province would be relaxing all of the COVID-19 restrictions over the month of February, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney then announced that because hospitals were no longer facing pressure from COVID he too would be looking to get rid of all restrictions in a similar timeline as Moe. 

Kenney explained at a press conference that:

We need to see a sustained decline in hospitalization pressure but, with the overall trends, I am very optimistic that we will be able to move forward with meaningful relaxation of public health measures this month including the elimination of the restriction exemption or proof of vaccination program.

Kenney is likely not only doing this as a response to the convoy protest happening in Ottawa but also to the trucker blockade of the Alberta/Montana border crossing in Coutts.

Rebel News has been doing a great job of covering that blockade in-depth so if you want to know more Rebel will be the best source of up-to-date information.

Overall, despite both Moe and Kenney avoiding the topic of the convoy to Ottawa as they begin caving to the convoy organizers’ demand, it is clear that the convoy is the silent motivator to both of their announcements.

Clearly, Conservative politicians cannot survive in Canada while ignoring the issue of liberty. Former federal Conservative leader Erin O’Toole just proved that being against the convoy or not responding in favour of it fast enough can contribute to you losing your job.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

4 responses to “Saskatchewan & Alberta Dropping Their Restrictions Shows The Truckers Are Winning”

  1. Jason Prescott says:

    Statements from Ontario’s top doctor Kieran Moore, Eileen de Villa, medical officer of health for the City of Toronto, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, and even B.C. Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry seem to be drifting towards a shift in repealing the overbearing restrictions narrative to follow suit with the WHO press release last month.

    Internationally Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach are echoing this shift in lockstep fashion.

    Makes you wonder what the table is being cleared for or maybe why they almost want people to mingle when there is a radical uptick in outbreaks and test positivity is off the charts compared to other junctures in the covid timeline? Maybe it’s just time for a reprieve as rolling lockdowns are just that for psychological reasons in optimizing compliance.

  2. john forsyth says:

    don;t trust them they say the end of Feb but you know how they lie.There is no reason All mandates cannot be cancelled Now

  3. john forsyth says:

    don;t trust them they say the end of Feb then move the goal post.There is no reason they cannot remove All restrictions Now.

  4. Don says:

    The complete Covid thing is a major farce and a conspiracy originated by the liberal government imho. Rid ourselves of all restrictions and let the chips fall where they may. Now talking shot #5, really. We’re all adults, let’s act like adults.