Jim and Belinda Karahalios were interviewed on The Agenda with Steve Paikin where they broke down the reasons for moving from trying to change the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) from the inside to starting their own conservative party to challenge it from the outside; the New Blue Party of Ontario.
The Great Reset theory was generally thought of a conspiracy theory involving a crisis being used by the international community to institute a new global government. Well in Canada it may be time to move this idea from the category of “conspiracy” to “public policy”.
While industry experts have voiced their optimism and willingness to work with a Biden administration, the American oil and gas industry is likely to face some new obstacles after Inauguration Day in January, if the election results are not overturned in court.
Despite much of the American presidential election now riding on court judgements deciding whether late mail-in ballots were valid or not, that decision is very likely to be made by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Democratic Congressmen and strategists have taken to attacking the head of the conservative majority on the court.
“Evergreen” means that the rifle ban would be able to be automatically updated adding in new rifle models at will. Blair tried to justify this stating that, “because we know that the gun industry is agile and adept at bringing forward new models and variants in order to try to get around the rules,” which is just another way of saying that industries sometimes makes new products which Blair seems to think is an affront to him personally.
The day the story broke I watched all of the CBC’s flagship program The National and exactly zero seconds were devoted to the story. It was like a major corruption scandal involving the Prime Minister and his family was not newsworthy.
As an example, there has been a lot of buzz over the recent announcement by Paypal saying they would begin offering cryptocurrency trading through their platform, but here’s the catch: they get to hold your keys and you can’t withdraw, or deposit at all. You also cannot spend your crypto, but they intend to give you this option through their network with their approval eventually.
By declaring Joe Biden’s victory and ignoring irregularities the media is gaslighting voters, repeating over and over again that Biden is the president-elect before it has been made official, which no doubt will create a massive backlash if the official results upend the media’s story of the election.
Singh is technically right if we ignore all the political executions, famines, poverty, communist indoctrination in schools, and the inability for Cubans to leave Cuba.
Some people say Biden may have some form of dementia, or another cognitive issue, but that is giving the man too much credit. Really what is happening is Biden’s arrogant disregard for the truth is being exposed through his lack of speed at the age of 76.
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