All those MPs who lock-step voted for this motion fearing they may be unelected if a federal election should be fearful because this vote is yet another reason to remove them from office if they do not quickly turn their legislative approach around so as to serve those who do not agree with this last year’s overbearing government control.
Showing that there is still a strong sense in Canada of the need to defend their civil liberties, an official Parliamentary petition, e-3236, launched on March 24 through the sponsorship of Independent MP Derek Sloan has already gathered over 56,000 signatures of Canadians who oppose the implementation of a vaccine passport for travel.
If the NDP is successful in their attempt to remove mention of the CCC application on Bill 213 then all testimony related could also be scrubbed from the official record, including the embarrassing refutation to Mr. Farooq’s crocodile tears about homophobia. Is this the motivation?
Many Jews on the political Left are going through a serious crisis, as they are watching the same people they marched with and for over the last year turn on them or gaslight them in their time of need. Personally, I was not surprised when the BLM movement turned against the Jews, not just because they were explicitly anti-Israel on their website, but because antisemitism is the logical outcome of modern Leftist theory/rhetoric.
Therein lies the major issue, senator appointments. Each Prime Minister relishes the task of senate appointments, it is a legacy appointment. The appointed senator will typically endure long after the Prime Minister has been voted out or left public life.
Documents, from 2019, provided to Burlew by a crown prosecutor with regard to a case he is currently working on behalf of a client, appear to contain information that could only have been obtained through the registry.
The frontline worker told TNT the most striking statement was made by the Canadian health official during the long exchange at the airport. When the frontline worker asked, “why are you doing this? I have all the provisions, multiple tests and I have been fully vaccinated for almost two months, why are you doing this?” the official responded, “Honesty we do this just to discourage travel.” This shocking statement ran a chill down the back of the person being subjected to this authoritarian process.
Voter fatigue in the stagnant slow movement left in Canadian politics may attract Canadians to a party run by the one-time Conservative leadership candidate if he can bring an anti-establishment message that can still appeal to the mainstream Canadian voter.
Vaush, a self-described “Antifascist” Youtuber and Twitch streamer held a live stream on May 17, 2021, to raise funds for terrorists in the middle-east. He announced on Twitter the next day that after 27 hours of live streaming, his channel managed to raise $292,284.71 for the terrorists. Vaush claimed to have spoken with the organization’s founder and is confident in the value of his work. The stream has since been unlisted on YouTube.
All around the world Jews are under attack. From rockets flying at Tel Aviv to rocks being pelted at Jews in Montreal, anti-semitic attacks are rampant globally. An elderly Jewish man was beaten in Toronto, a Jewish woman was allegedly sexually assaulted in the same incident, rocks and tear gas (not from police) were launched at a crowd of Jews in Montreal, “activists” drove through Jewish sections of London to threaten mass rape of Jews, Jews are being targeted in Los Angeles and countless other attacks are coming.
[…] National Telegraph […]