Although conservative outlets in Canada are celebrating the results of an Angus Reid poll that showed that a majority of Canadians do not believe that Canada is a racist country, it should not be overlooked that 34 percent of poll respondents believe Canada is racist.
Erin O’Toole is only Conservative in the way that Prime Minister Kim Campbell was technically a “conservative” because she happened to lead the Progressive Conservative party and was able to crib off of the legacy of previous PC prime ministers. She was a leftist on social issues, weak on firearms, and not particularly fiscally Conservative.
David Dickson, a former Liverpool police officer who now runs a cybersecurity firm in Alberta was interviewed recently on Bridge City News regarding potential legality issues with the Alberta government running a lottery for anyone who gets the COVID-19 vaccine.
It has to be called out what an embarrassment it is for Ontario to have rolled out the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, only to [partially] roll it back again. Underline, highlight, bold it. This needs to be remembered as the colossal blunder it is.
Getting 468,000 views on the other hand should guarantee a spot on every evening news broadcast in the country, but that isn’t the treatment MP Derek Sloan’s press conference platforming censored and harassed doctors received.
Today in one of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s public announcements regarding COVID-19 and the various federal travel restrictions put in place, he finally has fully reversed himself and announced that the government would be putting in place some form of a vaccine passport.
These medical professionals are currently working and are experts in relevant fields to the subject of COVID-19 and vaccines. Dr. Byram Bridle for instance is an immunology professor from the University of Guelph Ontario, who himself has expertise in the area of novel vaccine development.
Mr. Bernier was arrested in St Pierre Jolys, Friday, June 11th, after attending a “rally” which photographs confirm was attended by no more than a dozen people, including Bernier and his team. In discussing his arrest, there appeared to be a clear element of premeditation in the intentions of the province to have him arrested that day; regardless of the situation at hand.
Most Canadians view the federal Green Party as a mostly single-issue party based on wanting to remold the economy into something the environmentalist lobby envisions, but strangely enough that had also always come along with conspiratorial anti-Israel and anti-semitic views as well.
Bernier’s violation was a failure to self-quarantine which is odd because quarantine is not law and as many people argue, but it is a mere restriction because it is in direct violation of Canada’s constitution and Canada’s charter of freedoms. This would be the legislative equivalent of being arrested for a parking ticket.
[…] National Telegraph […]