
Liberals Refuse To Release Information On Which MPs Received Election Resources From China

Conservative MPs Michael Cooper, Dane Lloyd, and Richard Lehoux all asked the government why Justin Trudeau continues to refuse to publicly release evidence of election interference during the 2019 federal election, but Liberal Parliamentary Secretary Pam Damoff could only respond with platitudes about keeping Canadian elections safe.

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Polls Show Conservatives Could Win Majority – Liberals Underperform With Key Demographics

Since Carlton MP Pierre Poilievre was elected as the new Conservative Party leader the CPC has taken a significant lead over the Liberals in polling, but it is the Liberals’ polling specifically that demonstrates why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s days in office may be numbered.

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Anti-Convoy Witnesses At EA Inquiry Keep Claiming Phantom “Violence” From Freedom Convoy

Both the anti-convoy Ottawa residents and municipal government officials, as well as a few of the witnesses from various police forces, keep holding to the belief the convoy supporters in Ottawa were on the edge of committing mass violence, despite zero evidence. 

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Liberal Turned Independent MP Kevin Vuong Slams Liberal Government For Pushing 2nd Carbon Tax

The response he receives from the Liberals’ Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is limp and demonstrates the hollowness of the Liberals when it comes to affordability issues. Guilbeault tries to cite the damage forest fires and other natural disasters have done to justify the need for a second carbon tax, which has no realistic way of stopping any costly disaster. 

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OPP Intel Superintendent Says “The lack of violent crime was shocking” During Freedom Convoy Protest

Last week was bad enough with anti-Freedom Convoy activists and municipal politicians from Ottawa making fools of themselves by whining about “Uber Eats” and “microaggressions” in their evidence submissions and testimony, but this week the anti-convoy narrative is being absolutely shredded by Ottawa Police and OPP representatives. 

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Anti-Convoy Witnesses Whine About “Uber Eats” and “Microaggressions” At Emergencies Act Inquiry

The anti-convoy witnesses will have to do far better than making claims about “Uber Eats” and “microaggressions” in order to justify the use of the Emergencies Act to violently remove the peaceful protesters around Parliament. 

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Pierre Poilievre Release Shadow Cabinet Picks – Leaves Out Woke Michelle Rempel Garner

Pierre didn’t follow in O’Toole’s footsteps and actually appointed both of his leadership race competitors who are currently serving Conservative MPs, that being Dr. Leslyn Lewis and Scott Aitchison into the Shadow Cabinet.

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Canada’s Federal NDP Has An Anti-Semitism Problem, And Jagmeet Singh Is Cool With It

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) recently called out Jagmeet Singh and the federal NDP for anti-semitic rhetoric against the nation of Israel, and how the NDP and their socialist media allies reacted pretty much proves CIJA’s accusations.

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Trudeau Lied: IRGC Was Not Listed As A Terrorist Organization

This lead to a few media outlets running with the story that the IRGC had been listed as a terrorist organization, but when the smoke cleared it was just another incidence of Justin Trudeau protecting the Islamic Republic dressed up in some virtue signaling.

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The Emergency Act Inquiry Will Force Justin Trudeau To Publicly Justify His Actions

Now for the upcoming Emergency Act Inquiry Commission Justin Trudeau is likely going to be required to testify, and because he is obviously the key person that invoked the Emergencies Act, he cannot pretend he was unaware of what had transpired.

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