
Majority Of MPs Votes For David Johnston To Step Down, Johnston Refuses

Based on Johston being so forward in actively opposing the wishes of Parliament, it seems like Justin Trudeau will continue using him as a shield, and likely accuse those wanting to get rid of Johonston of trying to interfere with his ongoing “investigation.”

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The Liberals Are Unpopular and Poor – Don’t Expect A Pre-2025 Election

Right now, Justin Trudeau is facing poor public polling numbers, multiple ongoing scandals, as well as worst of all having less than half of the donations as the Conservative Party in the first quarter of 2023. 

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Terek Fatah: An Iconic Life

There are many words that could describe Terek Fatah, but the one that comes top of mind to me is fearless. The man was absolutely fearless in the face of controversy. He was always a thorn in the side of religious extremists accumulating more death threats than most people get birthday wishes.

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Entire Trudeau Foundation Board Resigns For Taking CCP Donations

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was dealt a massive blow today, in regard to the Chinese Communist Party election interference scandal, with the entire Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation board resigning for accepting $1,000,0000 from a CCP-linked billionaire. 

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Iranian Canadians “Shame” Trudeau Outside His Office

On Saturday, April 1st many Iranians in the diaspora took to the streets to rally for more support of the Iranian people in their fight against the Islamic Republic. One of the larger gatherings was in Montreal Canada right outside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s constituency office.

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Trudeau And The Liberals’ Polling Numbers Slump Hard As Poilievre Gains Popularity

For a long while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party felt that they could rest easy despite being behind the Conservative Party for nearly a year in average polling numbers. This is because the Liberals could always point to “preferred prime minister” polling to show that a plurality of Canadians still preferred Trudeau over Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh.

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Federal Liberals Setting Up For Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) In 2023 Budget

$17.7 million was put towards this initiative, and despite there being a large portion of Canadians objecting to this move, the Liberals have alluded to their CBDC plans in the 2023 budget, but far quieter this time.

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Former Liberal Candidate Calls For Liberal Party To Be Investigated For CCP Interference

Former Liberal Party candidate turned Independent MP Kevin Vuong recently debated representatives of his former party, demanding that a special prosecutor investigate the Liberal Party itself to uncover potential connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interference network in Canada. 

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House Of Commons Votes For A Public Inquiry Into CCP Election Interference

Despite Trudeau trying to keep the investigation into election interference in the background by appointing a “special rapporteur” with connections to the Trudeau family and Liberal Party, the House of Commons voted in favour of launching a  public inquiry into election interference.

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Trudeau Names Family Friend And Buddy To The CCP As Election Interference Investigator

Not only was Johnston a friend of Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, but Johnston currently serves on the board of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation, the same Trudeau foundation that just had to return $200,000 in donations from CCP-connected sources.

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