
Psychotherapist says Liberal Government is Pushing Transgender Ideology on Children

Where do children get that idea? The schools, the teachers, and the parent have no right to redirect that child’s thoughts or to question that child’s thoughts. That is absolutely ridiculous, and that’s so abusive.

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Vandenhoff: Why is Trudeau punishing law-abiding firearms owners instead of criminals?

So we should really start concentrating on looking at the key point. And that’s the criminals not the law abiding firearms owners. You know, I get vetted every day. I work at a gun store. I have never committed a crime. Why am I being punished for ones that have? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

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Jay Hill: “Wexit” Will Not Be A Sprint, But A Series Of Marathons”

The National Telegraph (TNT) recently conducted an email interview with the new leader of Wexit Canada, former veteran MP Jay Hill, concerning what he believes the separatist party will be achieving in the coming months. Right now, many Western Canadians (and even some Eastern Canadians) have started to take notice of the Wexit movement and […]

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Calvin Helin: Eagle Spirit pipeline update and eco-colonialism challenges

“In the northern communities alone, it’s north of 90% unemployment. People desperately want work and to be able to have some meaning in their lives, be able to have opportunities for their families. In a perverse way, these environmental groups are stealing those opportunities from Indigenous people.”

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TNT EXCLUSIVE: Jim Thorpe is a legend amongst today’s superstars

During the 1912 Olympics, Thorpe represented the United States as an enrolled member of the Sac and Fox Nation. At the time, Native Americans were not legally recognized as full U.S. citizens, only gaining full rights in 1924 through the Indian Citizenship Act. Alongside the lack of rights, bigotry against the indigenous people was rampant and systematic, with news openly involving derogatory statements and stereotypes.

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Conservatives, where are our morals?

“Funding is expected to come out of the school board budgets, money that school boards are struggling to come up with from their limited budgets.” To put it plainly, all these programs were designed to assist children who have severe disabilities or delays to help them operate in a more open environment. This early intervention will have lifelong benefits that cannot be taught at a later age. 

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Ellis Ross: All Canadians, including Indigenous ones, should celebrate Canada Day

“Canada is actually a pretty good country to live in, when you compare it to what’s going on in the rest of the world. You talk about the luxuries over there. We’re living with the conveniences, the rights, the freedoms, the infrastructure we have now, we can always do better, of course, but, man, I always count my blessings that I’m living the life I am here in Canada.”

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Healing through laughter: Brett Mooswa, an Indigenous Canadian TikTok star

“If they go on the app if they see me and they see what I do, hopefully I can share some cheer and bring some laughter to them because, yeah, like I said, laughter is one of the best medicines.”

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McLean: Canada needs to take better care of its seniors

“We as a society have dropped the ball on how we treat our most elderly in the years they look after themselves with social support mechanisms that ensure they are safe and secure. That has continued during COVID, and it’s not unique to Alberta or B.C., or who the owner was to those facilities.”

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TNT EXCLUSIVE: Calgary community advocate Gar Gar discusses outreach amid COVID-19

The National Telegraph recently interviewed MLA candidate for Calgary-East and founder of the South Sudanese Youth Empowerment Society, Gar Gar, over his volunteer work in local grassroots organizations throughout Calgary. Most notably, we touched on his “Free Friday Pizza Initiative,” a project which stems from his commitment to strong family values and promoting the common […]

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