Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on July 10, 2020
The National Telegraph (TNT) recently conducted an email interview with the new leader of Wexit Canada, former veteran MP Jay Hill, concerning what he believes the separatist party will be achieving in the coming months.
Right now, many Western Canadians (and even some Eastern Canadians) have started to take notice of the Wexit movement and are wondering how the federal separatist party will operate, that is, if it will be like the Bloc Québécois, or find its own path for advocacy.
TNT: What are the current short-term goals of Wexit Canada under your leadership?
Hill: To build credibility for the party, to expand membership, and to fundraise. In the medium term, we want to organize electoral district associations (EDAs), hold founding conventions and a leadership race.
TNT: Does Wexit Canada coordinate with the provincial Wexit organizations?
Hill: Not at all. We are moving to sever all ties with all provincial parties to free our members to belong, support and work for the provincial party they believe best represents their views.
TNT: Do you see Wexit Canada’s role as a greater separatist movement to elect representatives, or to work more as a pressure movement against the Conservative Party (in order for the CPC to advocate more strongly for the West)?
Hill: Prior to the ultimate goal of referendum on independence in Western Canada, our goal is to elect Wexit MPs to the House of Commons to represent what is good for the West, not to compromise in order to appease Eastern Canada.
TNT: How likely do you believe it is for some part of Western Canada to separate from Canada in the next 10 years?
Hill: Unlikely. This process will not be a sprint, but rather a series of marathons.
TNT: Is there any circumstance whereby the federal government meets the concerns of Albertans and gives us more representation and autonomy, thus meaning the Wexit Party would stop pushing for the ultimate goal of separation?
Hill: This is hypothetical. We don’t know where future negotiations with the ROC (Rest of Canada) may take us, but I believe it’s unlikely the they will offer us sufficient autonomy and freedom short of some form of independence.
It seems quite clear (as many others in the media have been saying) that Hill remains a committed advocate for Western separation. Hill isn’t looking for small-scale compromises, but dramatic change to make the West absolutely equal either in Canada, and failing that, outside of Canada instead. It will be important for Wexit Canada, alongside the other regional Wexit parties, to demonstrate how effective they can be in their activism over the next few months if they want to prove to be a major threat to the Canadian political establishment. In this regard, Hill remains a great interim leader as he evidently gives the federal party a surge of legitimacy. Everyone will remain interested to see how the party performs in the next election should they be able to run.
Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.
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