Belgian Judge Ruled Mandatory Mask Laws Unconstitutional

According to the UK Human Rights Blog in Belgium in the Weimar District Court, a judge ruled in the case of a man charged for not complying with mandatory mask laws that the enforcement of mask-wearing was unconstitutional. 

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Media is using the Julie Payette Scandal to Distract from Trudeau’s Failures

Media Bias is often envisioned as hard and fast advocating for one political perspective over another, but the situation with Payette shows how the media’s selection bias of stories and the effort in which they put into covering them can be as much of a boon to Trudeau as an open defence of his bad actions.

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Media Still Calls Conservative Party too Right-Wing despite O’Toole Pushing Left

If O’Toole didn’t foresee the media pressing him harder after he showed weakness by removing Derek Sloan for unexplainable reasons, then either he wants more excuses to pivot further left or he is evidently still a political rookie.

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Justin Trudeau is Happy to let Joe Biden lead him by the Nose

Simply put, Trudeau will gladly let Biden lead him around by the nose on the Keystone XL pipeline since what Biden wants to do already falls underneath Trudeau’s environmentalist agenda, and if Biden cancels the pipeline Trudeau can act like he wasn’t part of the problem.

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Sloan says MP Martin Shields Complained he Encouraged Political Participation

Shields apparently took issue with the fact that Sloan had been encouraging his leadership campaign’s supporters who were on his email list to sign up to be delegates to the 2021 CPC convention.

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Derek Sloan Says “Do not cancel your party membership” After his Removal from Caucus

Derek Sloan in the aftermath of the Conservative Party of Canada caucus voting to remove him as a Conservative MP is urging supporters to stay in the party and to participate in the 2021 CPC convention.

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Erin O’Toole should Resign Before he Destroys the Conservative Party

O’Toole not only has a track record of being a flip-flopping liar, but this more recent attempted purge of an actual honest and decent man should be a bridge too far for any Conservative member, and the party membership and Conservative MPs should be pushing for O’Toole’s removal from the party.

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Erin O’Toole to Remove Derek Sloan from the Conservative Party on Flimsy Grounds

Conservative Party of Canada leader Erin O’Toole is attempting to remove Hasting-Addington and Lennox MP and former CPC leadership candidate Derek Sloan from the party caucus after the publication of a smear article from Press Progress.

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Biden may get Blocked from Scrapping Keystone XL

Albertans may not have confidence in Trudeau ever doing something altruistic for them, but if Trudeau is going to attempt to regain his Liberal majority this spring in a potential election gambit he can’t have an issue like the scrapping of the Keystone XL pipeline get in his way.

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The CBC Claims it has No Bias Despite Race-Based Management Practices

It is quite telling of the state of the CBC that they can be putting employees through pseudo-scientific unconscious bias training and starting up anonymous tip lines to report supposed rampant racism, but at the same time supposedly the executives at the top of the CBC cannot see there may be a left-wing bias to their reporting.

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