Liberals Are Trying to Price Independent Media Out of the Market

If Google News is forced to begin paying any media source that they host on their platform then they may have to be more selective of who will be hosted, which is going to affect smaller independent media companies first. 

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Erin O’Toole Demoting Pierre Poilievre Is Another Wound to the Conservative Party

O’Toole and the Conservative Party leadership by constantly getting rid of, or demoting, MPs who are firebrands in their areas of political expertise are merely causing self-inflicted wounds. They are only alienating more the CPC’s base and for no clear benefit when it comes to attracting new voters.

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Why are Conservative Donations Up While Popularity Falls?

It seems rather odd that while in many provinces all “non-essential” businesses are shut down or restricted in their operations, and many people have gone unemployed, that the federal Conservative party is breaking donation records.

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Democrat Rep. Cori Bush Supports St. Louis Prison Riot

After a prison riot in St. Louis, Democratic politicians and activists take the side of the violent inmates over supposed “urgent needs” that had not been met.

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Lefty Chilliwack Media Pushes Lurid “Wild Sex” Candidate as School Trustee

The local Chilliwack news publication, The Chilliwack Progress, a subsidiary of Black Press, seems to be dedicated to pushing the particularly strange school board trustee candidate Carin Bondar in the upcoming by-election. 

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Jason Kenney Opposes “Crazyville” Great Reset that Trudeau Supports

Kenney stated upfront that both he and the United Conservative Party are “categorically against The Great Reset. I think the whole idea is frankly cockamamie,” going on to also refer to The Great Reset ideas as “crazyville” and that he has “consistently opposed” it. 

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Canadians are Effectively being Kidnapped into Isolation Sites

The politicians and political staffers who came up with the idea to stick air travelers in quarantine hotels for COVID-19 testing and “isolation sites” for positive cases, seemed at first to be just extremely bureaucratic with their unreasonable measures, but through the implementation of the isolation policies, they have become downright authoritarian.

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After Politicians Finish Their Vacations Trudeau Restricts Travel

Rather conveniently after seemingly every other politician returns from their beach vacation and snowbird getaways Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has finally moved to toughen up the restrictions on the border and air travel.

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Liberals Defeat Bill Targetting Illegal Gun Smuggling to Protect their Gun Ban Agenda

Regardless of the obvious utility and focus of Bill C-238 for dealing with gun violence, especially in urban areas, the Liberals and NDP defeated the bill on its second reading in favour of continuing to pursue their antagonistic gun ban against law-abiding Canadian gun owners. 

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Erin O’Toole’s Approval Rating is Falling Hard after Sloan Removal

Since November O’Toole’s favorable rating has taken a hard tumble, dropping down to 63 percent in the most recent Angus Reid poll, a 13 percent loss in popularity among conservatives in little over two months.

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