Trudeau says to take “the very first vaccine that you are offered” Despite AstraZeneca Issues

Despite reasonable concerns regarding the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine coming from the medical community Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pushing Canadians to take the first vaccine offered to them.

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Trudeau Wants Canadian Tax Payers to Help Pay Other Countries’ Debts

At a meeting with other world leaders coordinated by the United Nations (UN) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rather than stressing the need for individual countries to service their own debts, reduce spending, and or end lockdowns to allow their economies to properly recover, instead agreed that more Canadian taxpayer dollars should be used as an aid to pay down other countries debts.

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Dr. Theresa Tam Wants “Stronger” Lockdowns…Again

One could argue that Dr. Tam has said that we can absolutely open up society again if we are able to keep one lockdown in place for a long enough period of time, but at no point has the federal government or any provincial government properly articulated how long and how locked down we need to be to fully open.

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Liberal Health Minister Dodges Question on Vaccine Passports

Despite Trudeau and the Liberals trying to imply that they wanted to avoid real discrimination and unfairness, they seem to be setting the stage to push a vaccine passport down the line.

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Erin O’Toole will be to Blame if he Loses to Justin Trudeau, not Dissaffected Conservatives

There is a trend growing among the Conservative Party establishment and loyalists to the party leader Erin O’Toole, and that is to blame everything going wrong on the CPC base. 

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Derek Sloan and Pro-Life Groups Dominate During Conservative Party Convention

Overall it is quite ironic that the more Erin O’Toole keeps trying to sideline Derek Sloan, as well as move away from the pro-life organizations, the close the CPC base seems to grow towards them. 

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Erin O’Toole is the Conservative Who Dislikes Conservatism – No Wonder He’s Unpopular

Although Trudeau has a disapproval rating of 52 percent that is still far better than O’Toole’s 51 percent disapproval rating seeing as only 3 percent of Canadians polled do not have their minds made up on Trudeau whereas 19 percent of Canadians still don’t have an opinion on O’Toole, and the trend isn’t looking very good. 

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Liberals are Very Late Releasing 2021 Budget – Not a Good Sign for Fiscal Conservatives

The next fiscal year starts on April 1 and MPs have been given no indication of what the budget is going to look like, outside of the fact that everyone at this point expects a Liberal government to run a massive deficit, and the longer the time it takes to present the budget the less fiscal restraint is to be expected.

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Trudeau Labels Canada’s Economic Recession a “She-cession”

Yesterday on International Women’s Day rather than addressing the economic downturn Canada is facing with real solutions Prime Minister Justin Trudeau instead turned Canadians’ economic troubles into an opportunity to virtue signal, labeling the economic recession a “she-cession”.

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The Alberta Government has turned Care Homes into Outbreak Centres

On the AHS’ own website, it can be seen that since March of 2020, AHS has put much stricter controls on decreasing transmission rates among regular Albertans than seniors in care homes.

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