The Bank of Canada and Globe and Mail justify their argument using emotionally based ideological attacks disguised as logic. One of their key points boils down to the vilification of men, with the Bank of Canada stating that ownership of Bitcoin is “concentrated among young, educated men with high household income and low financial literacy…”
There is no rule that says countries must declare their intent to make Bitcoin legal tender at the annual Bitcoin Conference. It could very easily happen sometime even this year that more countries follow the path El Salvado has set out, and here’s a list of strong candidates in contention.
On top of this, Bitcoin Bonds are now allowed to be floated by other municipalities in Honduras, and other firms or political jurisdictions outside the U.S., from within the jurisdiction of Próspera.
The CBDC acronym stands for Central Bank Digital Currency, and it operates exactly how the name sounds: it’s a digital currency completely controlled by the Bank of Canada, and on most levels, the concept is a copy of the Chinese Digital Yuan, which was rolled out last year.
Specifically, however, the April 5th talk focused on Shin’s new book The Cryptopians. The book is a detailed examination of everything going into Ethereum’s early development, but during the talk, Shin highlighted that although she hadn’t set out writing the book with this in mind, The Cryptopiansended up turning into a coming of age story for Ethereum founder & Ethereum Foundation executive Vitalik Butarin.
The Canadian oil and gas company Bengal Energy recently announced it will begin utilizing some gas wells controlled by some Australian partners; Santos Energy and Bridgeport Energy, to mine Bitcoin.
While the underlying situation is somewhat complex, it’s unarguable the recent announcement by cryptocurrency mega exchange, Binance would stop serving Ontarian customers in the near future falls into a pattern of unhelpful behavior toward several cryptocurrency exchanges by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC).
The Conservative Party is just now entering a leadership race, and current frontrunner, Pierre Poilievre, just made headlines painting himself as a pro-bitcoin candidate.
A spokesman for the recent Freedom Convoy protest in Canada, Benjamin Dichter, was just announced as a speaker at the upcoming, 2022 Bitcoin Conference in Miami Beach Florida. Dichter is a fairly late-breaking addition to the speaking lineup, considering the conference starts April 6th and runs to the 9th, taking in Miami Beach Florida.
This move by Trudeau and Freeland was completely unnecessary. It was forced and indicative of a regime that is concerned their grip on power is slipping despite the perceived ‘threat’ being a peaceful protest in Ottawa that an Ontario judge had ruled to be lawful.
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