Second Annual Canadian Bitcoin Conference Focus on Freedom

By Neil McKenzie-Sutter Following the success of the 1st Canadian Bitcoin Conference hosted in Toronto in 2023, the second legacy event took place this past weekend, May 16-18, this time in Montreal. The organizers have the numbers, and compared to last year, the 2024 conference demonstrated noteworthy growth and success. “It really worked well this […]

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RCMP Report Questions Bitcoin as Destabilizing

Despite conflicting research and reports on the health of the global economy, a significant concern now stems from a recently declassified RCMP report. The report predicts a potential for dire economic and social destabilization in the coming years, focusing on several looming challenges that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) anticipates will herald this destabilization. […]

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The Canadian Bitcoin Conference: An Excellent Opportunity for New Bitcoiners

The first Canadian Bitcoin conference has officially been announced and is scheduled for the June 17th-18th weekend of 2023 at the Chelsea Hotel in Toronto.

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Bukkele’s Bitcoin Bet Pays Off As El Salvador Meets IMF Loan Payment

In 2021, when Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele recognized Bitcoin as legal tender, the President drew much criticism, arguing El Salvador had doomed its economy. Now, with El Salvador having paid this debt, the Bitcoin detractors might have to eat their words.

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New York Federal Reserve Introduced Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Pilot

One story that escaped most headlines last month was that the Federal Reserve, New York Branch started a 12-week CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) pilot project on Nov. 15th, 2022. This story is both significant and not that significant for a variety of reasons that need to be delved into. 

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Electric Cars Aren’t New And Have Always Been Toys For Rich Urbanites

Private motor vehicles were a novel invention, but at this time were a luxury only the wealthy could afford. The upper class of course resided in cities, making electric cars totally practical as this is where electric car owners would have access to built-up electrical grids.

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Putin May Be Planning More Aggressive Moves In East-Europe: Moldova-Transnistria

Prior Russo-Ukrainian War (2014 to present) which is devastating to that nation, the tiny landlocked Moldova was the leading candidate for the most backward country in Europe. Situated between Romania and Ukraine, chief among Moldova’s issues is the unresolved ‘Transnistria war,’ and Russia’s stance on that issue. 

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Green Energy Fails: Europe Has To Rely On Coal Power As Russia Constricts Oil And Gas Flow

After several weeks of individual European countries expanding coal-based power generation due to Russia constricting O&G supplies due to the Ukraine conflict, esp. in the examples of Germany and Italy, etc, the Eurozone as a whole has had to pivot to coal as the energy source of choice for the near future. 

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The Liberals’ ‘Truck Tax’ Represents The Worst Kind of Class Warfare

The Trudeau regime’s proposed taxing of new pickup trucks in Canada has to be called out more often for what it is: obviously mean-spirited, and a form of targeted class warfare against blue-collar workers.

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‘The Great Reset and the Rise of Bitcoin’ Is A Must Watch For New Bitcoiners

Corbyn goes on to paint a compelling picture that, with or without this disastrous policy of money printing, the US dollar was close to reaching the end of its life cycle as a fiat currency anyway. Corbyn explains the ‘long term debt cycle’ here, and how the U.S. dollar was easily calculable to be reaching its fiat dollar twilight years in and around the year 2020. But when we reach the end of this cycle, what happens next? 

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