Sloan on real reconciliation for the Indigenous community

Blocking energy projects and boycotting the fur industry is a mere extension of their attitudes once relayed in the Indian Act that the federal government knows what’s best, from protecting one’s culture, their property, or ensuring the prosperity of one’s people. Often, they leave us sorely disappointed, from siding with eco-colonizers to sharing condescending views of the First People’s – that is the antithesis of reconciliation. As Sloan puts it, give Canada’s Indigenous communities their right to self-governance, and their economic liberation will follow suit.

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Cannabis Strains Show Promise For Preventing COVID-19 Infection: U of L Study

Looking to avoid catching COVID-19? Researchers at the University of Lethbridge have narrowed in on a dozen strains of cannabis that show great promise in preventing the virus from taking root.

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TNT EXCLUSIVE: Jeromy Farkas makes the case for Calgarians

While Farkas has never shied from the spotlight, his principled stances demonstrate a thorough rejection of likening city council to that of a large top-down corporation. Suffice to say, he has been a staunch defender of the little guy, and it’s time we give him the credit he’s owed.

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Trudeau expected to announce new firearms ban tomorrow

Any Canadians hoping to beat out the ban and purchase one of the soon-to-be-banned firearms are now out of luck, thanks to a suspiciously timed “maintenance” issue.

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Derek Sloan won’t apologize for criticizing Dr. Tam

Sloan stated, “I did not – and I am not – questioning Dr. Tam’s loyalty to Canada. There was no intention to question it … In addition, I never once mentioned Dr. Tam’s race or sex.”

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Craig Chandler: Small Business has become the ‘forgotten group’

I recently penned a letter to the Premier on Small Business and the Health Minister Shandro on suicide amongst small business owners. We receive 30 to 40 calls a day from small businesses in Alberta, relaying their problems. Currently, we’re trying to find solutions. While the federal government implemented a 50 per cent increase to the federal carbon tax and okayed a wage increase for senators and MPs, many are unsure how long they can keep their homes, let alone the doors to their businesses open. This is not the right time to be increasing wages, given the massive uptick in EI Applications over the past 6-weeks. It comes across as tone-deaf. As we have seen in Edmonton, federal aid hasn’t affected that many would have liked. We’re in an economic crisis, and small businesses are the forgotten group. That needs to change.

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Daoud: A Case for Common-Good Conservatism

Don’t get me wrong, it was a necessary measure, based on the data we had at the time. However, the measure has outlived its usefulness and is now causing harm to people’s livelihoods for little to no benefit.

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National Defence may intervene as Fort McMurray declares State of Emergency

In correspondence with Yurdiga, The National Telegraph learned that the city’s mayor is considering a request for “Additional support from National Defence.” If the situation worsens, the potential for National Defence to “blow up the ice blockades” that have exacerbated flooding in the region remains.

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Calgary’s Progressive Group for Independent Business exemplifies strong community standards

With the backing of several city councillors, Peter Demong, the councillor for Ward 14, took this time to set the record straight. “Any organization that puts forward the concept of small business, and advocates for small business is always going to be good in my books.”

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Edmonton Councillor pens letter calling for end to COVID-19 state of emergency

The SOLE was originally supposed to last for seven days, but has been continuously renewed up until this point. As of this evening, the city council voted again to extend the SOLE, 12-1, with Councillor Dziadyk being the only opposing vote.

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