The new passport removed all references to Canadian history. Vimy Ridge, the fathers of confederation, the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Terry Fox have all been removed in favour of generic nature scenes that look like they came out of a high school art class.
The idea that the NDP is right in the centre of political ideologies is ridiculous. Like the NDP says themselves they are a democratic socialist party whose goal is to “establish and maintain a democratic socialist government in Alberta”.
The CBC seems to be trying to assist the NDP in presenting it as a centrist party with its Alberta Political Compass online quiz. In ridiculous fashion, the CBC places the NDP as being slightly right-of-centre on economics and slightly more progressive than conservative on social issues.
Right now, Justin Trudeau is facing poor public polling numbers, multiple ongoing scandals, as well as worst of all having less than half of the donations as the Conservative Party in the first quarter of 2023.
Now it was discovered that Valencia, on his own Twitter, account retweeted content accusing the police of wrongdoing for blocking food/medicine from entering an illegal anti-pipeline protest zone in British Columbia. This was part of protests against the pipeline being built on Wet’suwet’en reserve land, which the tweet Valencia retweeted called a “climate-changing pipeline” implying things like the pipeline were responsible for the flooding in 2021.
The problem is that because Alberta is in such a tight provincial election, the Alberta NDP has taken the reactionary position to the UCP and has begun to deny the problem of crime and or the effectiveness of law enforcement to deal with the problem.
The Alberta NDP candidate for Calgary-East Rosman Valencia is one of many NDP candidates who pitch themselves as being hyper “progressive” and a person to bring Albertans together. Although Valencia may want to see himself this way, his rhetoric, fringe beliefs, and the radical people he quotes do not indicate he will be an uniter […]
The first Canadian Bitcoin conference has officially been announced and is scheduled for the June 17th-18th weekend of 2023 at the Chelsea Hotel in Toronto.
There are many words that could describe Terek Fatah, but the one that comes top of mind to me is fearless. The man was absolutely fearless in the face of controversy. He was always a thorn in the side of religious extremists accumulating more death threats than most people get birthday wishes.
The NDP likely did this just to be contrarian after the United Conservative Party (UCP) mused about potentially pursuing involuntary treatment options in the future. The NDP is basically declaring they would rather a drug addict die on the streets than have the government force them into rehab.
[…] National Telegraph […]