The Alberta NDP Has An Oddly High Number Of Pro-Communist Candidates

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on May 15, 2023

Whenever someone hears that a politician from the Liberal Party or NDP is a “communist” or “socialist” it is assumed to be hyperbole from an angry individual on the internet. Well the Alberta NDP seems to be trying to prove that assumption wrong by fielding several candidates in the 2023 Alberta provincial election who are, are linked to, or praise, communists/communism. 

The Western Standard has been taking the lead on reporting about communists within the Alberta NDP ranks. Western Standard reporter Jonathan Bradley released a photo of current Edmonton-Ellerslie NDP MLA Rob Loyola leading a Communist Party march in Edmonton and Calgary-North NDP MLA Gurinder Brar sharing pro-revolution and communist posts on his Facebook page. 

Loyola before he was in provincial politics performed as a communist rapper under the title “Ro Soul Jah.” His lyrics would often call for violent communist revolution.

Brar most shockingly showed himself to be a fan of Chinese Communist Party Chairman, Mao Zedong, in a post where Brar stated “Those who say armed war is not the solution, read carefully.” Mao during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution in China deliberately murdered or caused the starvation deaths of over 100 million people.

The Alberta NDP’s candidate in Calgary-Acadia, Diana Batten, retweeted a post from an overtly pro-communist Twitter account praising a diseased hacker. The account’s name was “Vote Communist May 4th” with the hammer and sickle symbol in the title.

The National Telegraphed looked into the NDP’s candidate in Calgary-East, Rosman Valencia, who quoted communist activist Angela Davis in a post insinuating that Alberta is a “racist society.” Angela Davis was a vice presidential candidate for the Communist Party USA, provided firearms for a Black Panther Party attack on a courthouse in California, and today still identifies as a socialist and pushes the anti-semitic BDS movement against Israel. 

Valencia has also cited figures like Ibram X Kendi who not only is an anti-police activist (under the guise of “anti-racism”) but also someone who is openly anti-capitalist and a Marxist. 

The other day when NDP-linked activists interrupted one of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s press conferences one of the three protesters was Patrick King, 2021 federal NDP candidate in Calgary-Signal Hill, and another, Aaron Doncaster, is an open communist and associates with Calgary ANTIFA. 

And let’s be clear, the presence of communists and socialists in the Alberta NDP is not a shocking anomaly that goes against the principles of the party. As The National Telegraph has previously covered, the Alberta NDP still has at the top of its constitutions a commitment to socialism.

The Alberta Constitution in Section 1.03 reads:

1.03 The purpose of the Party is to promote the principles of democratic socialism in Alberta and to establish and maintain a democratic socialist government in Alberta through the electoral process.

Socialists and communists in the Alberta NDP are a feature, not a bug, and if you dig far enough into other NDP candidates, even seeming moderates like Calgary-Currie NDP candidate Janet Eremenko, you will find people who have a fundamental distaste for free markets, the energy industry, and antagonize the financial success of wealthy Albertans.

Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley needs to explain why the NDP’s constitution still contains a commitment to “democratic socialism” on its first page and where these pro-communist candidates fit into the party’s caucus.


On May 17, 2023, Jonathan Bradley at the Western Standard exposed another Alberta NDP candidate who openly identifies with communism, that being Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse, running in the riding of Edmonton-Rutherford.

Stonehouse posted a link to an article with the headline “Communism is the Horizon, Queer Indigenous Feminism Is The Way” which linked to Red State which is an openly socialist news website.

On May 19, 2023 The National Telegraph reported on the Alberta NDP candidate for Peace River, Liana Paiva, who not only favours hard-drug legalization but also hates capitalism and promotes socialism and commune-style living.

Paiva is also an opponent of Alberta’s oil and gas industry and supports the carbon tax and the Chinese government’s green energy strategy.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

7 responses to “The Alberta NDP Has An Oddly High Number Of Pro-Communist Candidates”

  1. American Trekker says:

    What’s wrong with ‘Democratic Socialism"? It’s NOT ‘Communism’ in the slightest, nor is it any form of harsh ‘Socialism’ like stupid and lying rightwing fucks try to make it out to be. It’s the kind of government best characterized by today’s Germany as well as other countries like France and Sweden and even the USA to a large extent. It’s a GOOD THING, in other words!

    • Bill McDonnell says:

      If you can’t see it you must be a loyal tv fan of msnbc, cbc and their ilk.

    • Free Canada says:

      Democratic Socialism a good thing? You need to educate yourself on the consequences of socialism in Government. Look at Venezuela for an example. Or Canada over the last 8 years. Life gets worse. The cost of everything rises. Government grows, the common person shrinks. Socialism is bot a good thing and it is already destroying Canada. Cost of homes has doubled in 8 years. Inflation soaring. Wages stagnant. Government efficiency way down. Cost of Government way up. Social disorder way up (because people are giving up). People like you are destroying this country

      • Evelyn Windsor says:

        No it is not a good thing. You are right to tell American Trekker he or she knows nothing. I had family members die under it. He or she is just a brain washed person. I support your commentary and yes ‘people like him or her’ are destroying our Country. Disgusting. He is likely one of those looking for a fixed guaranteed income so he can play on his computer all day while you and I actually work and pay taxes to pay his fixed income. I have absolutely nothing against helping people who need help. But, mostly good people in need are trying to help themselves not preaching to someone like me who is likely 4 times his or her age.

    • Evelyn Windsor says:

      What are you smoking???? Lived under it, I can smell Communism a mile away. So, don’t you dare suggest it isn’t. The NDP are anything but Democratic Socialism. When they say they will go door to door to vaccinate people and if they refuse they will only receive 2nd or 3rd class treatment and freedoms – don’t DARE say they are a good thing. You know nothing – nothing – about their tactics. No one suggested door to door, limited democratic rights etc. etc. You can keep your ‘f words’ to yourself.

  2. AlecTryshyn says:

    More Ammo for the UCP ! Leninade Notley must NOT Win

  3. Bev Adams says:

    There is no such thing as democratic socialism! There is democracy and socialism which is also known as communism and fascist thinking which authors in thinking and authoritarianism social structure