On top of this, Bitcoin Bonds are now allowed to be floated by other municipalities in Honduras, and other firms or political jurisdictions outside the U.S., from within the jurisdiction of Próspera.
New Blue Party of Ontario MPP, Belinda Karahalios (MPP for Cambridge), despite being the only MPP for her party in the Ontario provincial Legislature got the Ontario PC Party to reverse course on voting to pass the NDP’s Bill 67, which was seeking to inject Critical Race Theory into the classroom.
What Freeland and the rest of the Liberal government are missing is what caused developers to not want to increase the housing stock. Their solution to the problem merely builds a smattering of subsidized housing and makes it slightly easier for first-time home buyers to save a tiny fraction of the average $816,000 price tag for a house in Canada.
His event in Langley this Sunday continued this trend. Representing The National Telegraph, I had arrived 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the event and had to line up outside, and around the corner of 2 buildings on the block. The line never moved and we were eventually told the venue had reached capacity for the fire code.
The Liberal government’s Heritage Minister MP Pablo Rodriguez is seeking to pass a new piece of legislation that under the guise of supporting Canadian local media will pad out the budgets of already subsidized legacy media, at the expense of independent news publications.
The CBDC acronym stands for Central Bank Digital Currency, and it operates exactly how the name sounds: it’s a digital currency completely controlled by the Bank of Canada, and on most levels, the concept is a copy of the Chinese Digital Yuan, which was rolled out last year.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), despite already having to make multiple retractions on articles attacking the Freedom Convoy, has put out a new report claiming that almost $8 million dollars from the Freedom Convoy 2022 organization has gone missing.
Specifically, however, the April 5th talk focused on Shin’s new book The Cryptopians. The book is a detailed examination of everything going into Ethereum’s early development, but during the talk, Shin highlighted that although she hadn’t set out writing the book with this in mind, The Cryptopiansended up turning into a coming of age story for Ethereum founder & Ethereum Foundation executive Vitalik Butarin.
If Jean Charest wanted to send a strong law and order message he would point out that no one has been arrested for the Coastal Gaslink attack and under a Charest administration he would bring them to justice. Instead, he has taken the Trudeau/Ford approach of pretending that the only way to stop some truckers from honking is to throw out the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Canadian oil and gas company Bengal Energy recently announced it will begin utilizing some gas wells controlled by some Australian partners; Santos Energy and Bridgeport Energy, to mine Bitcoin.
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