Written By B.J. Dichter, Posted on April 14, 2022
Less than a week after appearing as a speaker at the 2022 Bitcoin Conference in Miami, promising to forward legislation recognizing Bitcoin as legal tender in Mexico, Mexican Senator Indira Kempis has forwarded legislation to push for CBDC adoption in Mexico.
Although Kempsi attempted to cloak the forwarding of CBDCs as promoting human rights or something, TNT has previously criticized CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency) as a clear indicator of a government/central bank potentially moving to adopt a Digital Yuan-style currency/Chinese Communist Party-style social credit system, systems that have been criticized by numerous commentator, in the Bitcoin space and elsewhere, as an obvious path toward massive human rights abuses by governments.
Bitcoin, as it is decentralized and therefore out of the control of governments, represents the opposite of a CBDC, which is totally controlled by a country’s central bank. Viewed in this light, this move by Kempis must be recognized as bizarre, and a 180 degree turn in her position of less than a week ago.
This move by Kempis is also easily viewable as a betrayal of freedom-loving values of Bitcoiners and the principles of Bitcoin, but again; this is a bizarre move so it’s difficult really and perhaps not even worth speculating on Kempis’ thought process/strategy was here. What was Kempis hoping to accomplish by appearing at Bitcoin 2022; apparently in favor of financial freedom, etc., only to push for transparently obvious anti-freedom technology of CBDCs only days later? It’s a question many have to be asking.
If Kempis had wanted to retain the public approval she gained from her Bitcoin 2022 appearance but secretly harbored an agenda to forward a Mexican CBDC, she could’ve done so in numerous, sneakier ways, for example: how the Canadian government recently tried to hide CBDC research funding, way in the back of the last chapter of the 2022 budget.
Mexican Senator Indira Kempis.
Let’s cut some of the pretense here, because we at TNT do have core principles we operate by. We at TNT are openly against the adoption of CBDCs and have in fact start an anti-CBDC initiative and we are willing to partner with anyone in this endeavor as at least in Canada, we view CBDCs as a technology that absolutely must be stopped and never deployed in this country.
Just to be clear we are not exactly dogs without a bone in this fight.
But to circle back: whatever other developments come out of the story on Bitcoin in Mexico, CBDCs in Mexico, and Indira Kempis herself, going forward the example Kempis is setting here for people’s expectations is one that shouldn’t be forgotten.
How many other politicians, world-wide, are we going to see making similar course changes? I.E., promising Bitcoin friendly policies and when elected, offering their constituents, worse than fiat/worse than Dogecoin tier sh*tcoin CBDCS.
What should the consequences be for these figures be when they attempt such maneuvers? And how should those consequences be enacted? These are questions needing answers.
Author Honking For Freedom, Podcaster, Speaker, Trucker #FreedomConvoy Spokesperson. #Bitcoin http://HonkingForFreedom.com | http://BenjaminJDichter.com
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