For someone like Sam with the state of western Canada’s place in the confederation it may be helpful that Trudeau only divides the country more. To the Wexit movement having the worst possible Prime Minister for national cohesion simply rips of the bandage faster and gets a potential separation underway sooner rather than later.“Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, however you want to look at it, Justin Trudeau will continue to help Albertan separatists because his actions will continue to hurt Albertans and prove to us that our hope and future is not in confederation. We’re not happy with the damage being done, but we appreciate the help in making the case for independence. ” Sam explained.
It seems Canadian Conservatives are comfortable with their own hypocrisy as they claim to be defenders of “free speech” and John Stuart Mill-esque dialogue yet bar a longtime CPC member and staffer from running for the leadership of their party simply because he expresses views that are unpleasant to the Conservative Party’s top brass.
Braidwood told us about his prior substance abuse and its connection with the underbelly of the boxing world. “I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve taken painkillers, and that I’ve gone through rehab and counselling. Many professional fighters have taken the same route I have, abusing alcohol to deal with physical pain. Thankfully, I don’t consider myself an addict. I’m happy to say I’ve dealt with my issues and I’ve moved on.” Braidwood is an advocate of cannabidiols (CBDs) as a form of holistic health to deal with injuries.
Claypool: “Sloan’s main issue with the current Liberal program is the rather insistent focus on funding abortion in poorer countries rather than more pressing healthcare issues.”
According to Dr. Randy Royer, “The West would benefit from greater autonomy and self-reliance, as well as a bottom-up government. The colonial mentality of Central Canada represents a key divergence between the different Canadas.”
It seems Canadians can expect to see the roll-out of a gun control plan this spring that high in fear-mongering rhetoric, low in policy details, fails to make a difference in areas with high firearm crime rates, strips away the property rights of law-abiding gun owners, and balloons in cost over time.
Before the withdrawal of Teck’s regulatory application, Hallan was quick to defend Alberta’s struggling resource sector. And that support remains unwavering, despite employment in natural resources declining in five provinces, most notably Alberta and British Columbia. In 2019, 29,000 such jobs were lost, according to this Labour Force Survey by Statistics Canada.
Maybe I am wrong, but I don’t think any politician should dress in traditional clothing of the places they visit nor dance around and act like a woke-multicultural hipster. You are in India to represent Canada, please just do that without all of the theatrics.
In his letter, Lindsay said that “The promise of Canada’s potential will not be realized until governments can reach agreement around how climate policy considerations will be addressed in the context of future responsible energy sector development,” going on to say, “Without clarity on this critical question, the situation that has faced Frontier will be faced by future projects and it will be very difficult to attract future investment, either domestic or foreign.”
The softness of the media combined with Omar Khadr’s inability to accept responsibility and show remorse for his actions have taken the pro-payout side off a moral cliff. Now, it is believed that “Omar Khadr did nothing wrong.”
[…] National Telegraph […]