
Liberals to Push Forward with Massive Debt Increase Despite Financial Sectors Warnings

Outside of the government executives from some of the largest banking institutions in Canada met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland and urged the government to get its debt under control and to commit to new debt limits. Right now Canada’s debt is pushing over $874 billion, $343 billion of which is due to COVID-19 related spending alone.

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Canada’s GDP Falls by 38.7% From April to June – Mostly Part Time Work Available

The Canadian economy just saw  its deepest drop-off on record with Statistics Canada reporting a GDP decline of 38.7% between April and June.

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Will Erin O’Toole’s Conservative Leadership Reignite Enthusiasm For Maxime Bernier’s PPC

Last night Erin O’Toole accepted the torch of the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada from outgoing leader Andrew Scheer.  It was a strange sense of deja-vu back to the 2017 leadership race when CPC members saw the O’Toole camp eliminated in the 12th round and hand Andrew Sheer not only his first lead […]

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Political “assassin” claims to have “gutted” Scheer, Poilievre and Karahalios

Erin O’Toole’s National Director of Field Operations, David Parker, has been caught once again bragging about his vengeful and unethical political behaviour.  Parker, who was caught bragging about “ruining (Jim Karahalios) entire life”, is now claiming to be responsible for the political assassination of Andrew Scheer and Pierre Poilievre.

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In 2015 the Ontario Nurses Association Opposed Mandatory Masks And Vaccines

At the time over a couple dozen Ontario hospitals started forcing nurses to wear surgical masks for the entire flu season if they had not voluntarily gotten the influenza vaccine. The policy was meant to increase the immunization rates among healthcare workers.

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Diverse Canadians Gather to Oppose the Chinese Communist Party

The main focus of the protest was the CCP’s genocide of the Muslim Uyghur people, the detention of the two Michaels in the Chinese prisons, asking for their immediate release, and the rights of all people to live in a free society.

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Police suppressed details on Danforth shooter’s trip to Pakistan: entire magazine emptied into prone girl.

Many details of that Sunday night two years ago, on July 22, were never made public. Police never disclosed that Fallon sustained 13 bullets, most of them fired point-blank. News reporters never put together that eight high-school friends stood at the parkette, seven girls and one guy, and that half of them were shot.

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Viersen, MP Peace River—Westlock: Mr. Trudeau, WE Have a Problem

Prime Minister Trudeau cannot hide from the latest scandal. Nor can he dismiss it with a simple ‘sorry’. He didn’t make a mistake – he made a choice to hand almost a billion dollars to a charity that has paid multiple members of his immediate family almost $300,000 for speaking events when other speakers were not paid. An organization that also employs immediate family members of the Finance Minister’s family. 

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Trudeau’s WE Charity Scandal Continues

In the past week, allegations against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continue to escalate as more details about the Liberal government’s involvement with the ME to WE Charity have been unveiled.

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Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson Probes Her Audience About Possible CPC E-Mail Bias

Conservative author, speaker and former PPC candidate for Red Deer—Lacombe Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson recently asked members of her audience whether or not they had been experiencing a peculiar pattern of only receiving certain Conservative Party leadership candidates’ emails—and not others.

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