Culture / Media Coverage

Majority of Canadians Respect Others’ Choices on Vaccines Despite Media Propaganda

It may come as a shock to Canada’s liberal legacy media, but in spite of all the propaganda coming out which demonizes people for making their own medical choices when it comes to vaccines, the majority of Canadians still respect the choices that others make and wouldn’t view them any differently for making them.

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How Comedy’s Counter Culture Beat the Lockdowns

There has been a recent push within the comedy community to band together to have their work be recognized by the Canadian government and thus eligible for public subsidies. But is this really the best way forward for comics?

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Sohail Raza: Islamophobia – Is it A Trap for the White Man?

This Emergency National Action Summit on Islamophobia came about in the aftermath of a horrific tragedy in London, Ontario where a Muslim family was killed. But in my opinion, it is a great insult to the memory of the deceased…

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No Coincidence the Liberals are Trying to Grab Guns While Taking Away Free Speech

Over the last 40 years, we’ve seen an increasing disregard on behalf of the government when it comes to fundamental rights. Whether it’s property rights, free speech, or the completely reasonable idea that you can defend yourself from violent attacks, the government seems to put a significant amount of effort into convincing people they shouldn’t have any rights at all. Unfortunately, many Canadians now agree with the government on this topic.

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Canadian Politics Is Dividing Between Those Who Love and Those Who Hate Canada

Maybe in previous years, there was an argument that all politicians, parties, and movements were looking to make Canada a better place and generally liked the country for what it already was, but as time goes on there is a definite rise in anti-Canadian feelings in politics today. 

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Raza: This is My Canada, So I’m Going to Celebrate Canada Day

I read about the cancellation of Canada Day and it saddens me. Ask any immigrant and they will tell you how much Canada means to them. Pitched as a country that time and again has been polled as one of the best countries to live in, we should not shut down the celebration of its inception. To me there is no other country in the world that celebrates differences the way Canada does. 

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Michelle Rempel Agrees That Canada Day Should be Canceled or Scaled Back

Member of Parliament for Calgary Nose Hill, Michelle Rempel tweeted today in agreement with the President Adam North Peigan, from the Sixties Scoop Indigenous Society of Alberta, who said that Calgary should scale back or outright cancel Canada Day celebrations due to the discovery of unmarked graves of children at residential schools. 

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Naive Left-wing Streamer Indirectly Fundraised $286,069 for Hamas

Vaush, a self-described “Antifascist” Youtuber and Twitch streamer held a live stream on May 17, 2021, to raise funds for terrorists in the middle-east. He announced on Twitter the next day that after 27 hours of live streaming, his channel managed to raise $292,284.71 for the terrorists. Vaush claimed to have spoken with the organization’s founder and is confident in the value of his work. The stream has since been unlisted on YouTube.

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CNN is Tanking in the Ratings Without Donald Trump

CNN was riding high during the presidency of Donald Trump, and many at the time had predicted that he was the only subject keeping their viewership ratings up, and since the end of Trump’s presidency, the CNN ratings have plummeted to be a mere fraction of what they used to be.

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New Gun Smuggling Documentary Destroys Liberals Gun Grabbing Narrative

A recent CityNews documentary, VeraCity: ‘The Gun Chase’, has served to shine a light on the situation surrounding the rise in gun crime in Canada’s major cities. Despite the recent government’s legislation cracking down on legal firearm ownership in Canada, the documentary shows us just how it is easier than ever to buy an illegal firearm on the streets of Toronto. 

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