Which Canadian Politicians Aren’t on Vacation?

After Ontario’s Minister of Finance Rod Phillips was caught taking a beach vacation in St. Barts it seems like every government official is being found to be living life to the fullest while dissuading their own constituents from taking part in similar activities.

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What keeps Trudeau from Sanctioning China for Human Rights Abuses?

Trudeau likely will continue to do nothing about the looming threat of China, but it makes one wonder what is keeping Trudeau from doing something? Fear of China, admiration for China, or a combination of both?

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Dr. Fauci Admits to Lying about Herd Immunity

Later on, in the same interview, Dr. Fauci said that based on polling on openness to vaccination, and discoveries of new COVID strains, he gradually shifted his estimates on what percentage of resistance in the population constitutes herd immunity, assuming Americans were becoming more open to it being a higher number than before.

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Some Police Officers are Pushing back Against Authoritarian Laws

The officer ends the letter stating: “What happened in Calgary cannot happen again. Never in my life did I think I would see police officers threatening to taser and arrest kids playing pond hockey.” 

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When Everything is Illegal Police Can do Whatever they Want

At the end of the day it’s up to a police officers’ own discretion whether or not they will enforce a law violation that they see, and when everyone who leaves their homes likely has committed multiple violations without even knowing it, then the police can target anyone they want for whatever they want as everyone has done something wrong. 

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Trudeau Hits Canada with a Carbon Tax Hike While the Country is Down

It’s hard to tell whether Trudeau is just astronomically incompetent or resents the average Canadian, and especially Albertan, in such a profound way he is willing to ruin the economy completely just to prove how little he cares. 

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Altis Drops Liberal Contract to Manage Gun Buyback Program

Many firearms owners often feel like gun confiscations are inevitable in this political climate, but Altis retroactively rejecting the contract shows that if the firearms community is large enough to push back on the Liberals attempts to ban firearms. The Liberals are the ones that are clearly on their back foot when it comes to putting their OIC gun ban into action.

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Chrystia Freeland Wants Access to Your Savings

From CERB to the mass shift towards EI the Liberals have done nothing to actually keep the economy afloat and instead have chosen to move the deck chairs around hoping it keeps everyone happy while the economy continues to sink lower.

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Non-Firearm Owners Should Care About Trudeau Grabbing Guns

One of the things law-abiding Canadian firearms owners find most frustrating about the Liberal federal government attempting to take away their property is the non-gun owning publics’ naive approval of the whole situation.

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Twitter is trying to Suppress Information on Election Fraud

It seems as if those operating Twitter are worried about Trump’s challenges over alleged election fraud, and voter irregularities, and are trying to suppress the ability of Trump and his supporters to put out information about potential election fraud in order to make the general public believe their claims are not serious.

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