Justin Trudeau’s Promise to Reduce Unemployment by June is Around 246,000 Jobs Short

Canada’s unemployment rate was still at a high 7.5 percent at the end of July when the United States was already down to an unemployment rate of 5.9 percent by the end of June, due to greater efforts to get Americans off of government programs and back to work. 

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The Alberta NDP Are Mad Albertans Are Exercising their Freedoms

The United Conservative Party recently rolled back the draconian lockdowns they had Albertans under for much of the last year, falling back in line with what their voter base was demanding of them, and as a sign that the UCP finally did the right thing, the NDP immediately demanded a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic. 

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Justin Trudeau Could Fall on his Face if he Calls a September Election

Rumours have been swirling around on whether or not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be calling for an early fall election in September, which the writ would be dropped for soon, or if he will be forced to hold off because of the environment of fear he in part has created around COVID-19.

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Majority of Canadians Respect Others’ Choices on Vaccines Despite Media Propaganda

It may come as a shock to Canada’s liberal legacy media, but in spite of all the propaganda coming out which demonizes people for making their own medical choices when it comes to vaccines, the majority of Canadians still respect the choices that others make and wouldn’t view them any differently for making them.

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O’Toole’s Conservative Party Struggles to Answer Questions from Conservative Media

Rebel News reporter David Menzies approached Lantsman at the campaign event and asked her a pointed question about her lobbying for Walmart Canada and whether she felt at all responsible for small businesses going under while she advocated for special treatment for a multinational corporation so they could continue offering “non-essential” services.

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Derek Sloan Announces He is Creating a New Party at Calgary Rally

It was telling that Sloan had surrounded himself with people who are associated with the creation of a successful political party that rose to challenge the Eastern Canadian political establishment, as Sloan announced that he too would be creating his own new big tent political alternative. 

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Facebook Censors User for Criticizing Alberta Infrastructure Project

Hilariously enough Kowalski says that Facebook removed the comment for “hate speech, misleading content, and spam”. Kowalski had it removed the first time he posted it so the comment being labeled “spam” doesn’t even make any sense.

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Green Party Leader Blasts Anti-Semitism In Her Own Party

This statement by Paul, without naming names, reveals that people inside the Green Party likely believe that because she is Jewish that she is somehow an agent for Israel and that she needs to be monitored out of suspicion she is conspiring to sell memberships in the Jewish community and collect donations from members of Jewish and or pro-Israel organizations.

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Liberals are Pressuring Facebook & Twitter to Silence Conservative Alternative Media

In Canada, the censorship signaling to Big Tech is even worse. Recently Heritage Minister Stephen Guilbeault said that online speech “undermine Canada’s social cohesion or democracy,” which translated out of bureaucratic-speak means he is upset that free expression online hurts the Liberals’ electoral chances. 

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Strong Opposition to Vaccine Passports is Stopping Their Implementation Across Canada

Despite Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney often being the most frustrating to their constituents when it came to the lockdown rules, it seems that the magnitude of people’s discontent with the draconian public health rules has finally gotten through to them.

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