Donald Trump Endorses Canadian Truckers While Justin Trudeau Hides From Them

Former President Donald Trump at a rally in Texas, gearing up for the 2022 midterm election season, gave a shoutout to Canadian truckers participating in the Freedom Convoy 2022 that has garnered international attention and inspired several other convoys abroad. 

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CBC Speculates If Russians “instigated” The Freedom Convoy Movement

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as if to make sure Canadians remember not to take them seriously, speculated today over whether or not the Russian government is trying to “fuel” or even “instigated” the Freedom Convoy movement.

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Toronto Star Gets Banned From Convoy Press Conferences For Pushing Extremist Rhetoric

This is a great move on the organizers’ part as it rightfully points the finger for the real extremist rhetoric at the media which is constantly accusing those standing up for their own rights of being bigoted, violent, or radical without any evidence.

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Freedom Convoy Organizer Drops QR Code Privacy Bombshell During Tucker Carlson Interview

The Arrivecan is a Canadian government phone application that Canadian travelers going through airports and over the border, including truckers, are required to verify their vaccine status with, in order to pass.

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Justin Trudeau Uses COVID As An Excuse To Hide Ahead Of Convoy Reaching Ottawa

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau right after giving an embarrassing response to a question about the Freedom Convoy 2022 at a press conference suddenly created an excuse to not be present when the truckers reach Ottawa.

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“Mandate Freedom” Message Is Taking Canada By Storm And The Media Cannot Beat It

The legacy government-funded media in Canada has been having a difficult time pulling their usual tricks, trying to smear this anti-mandate convoy. All of the media’s attacks have for the most part failed in the face of the simple and focused message of the convoy that cannot be easily twisted by dishonest journalists.

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Trudeau Is Ignoring The Freedom Convoy Because He Knows His Agenda Is Failing

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been remaining unusually quiet about one of the biggest news stories in Canada, and it is because it is fundamentally all about his agenda failing.

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Freedom Convoy Organizers Extend Invite To Gerald Butts To Meet and Discuss Mandates

The freedom convoy headed to Ottawa is making a deliberate effort to show that while they are frustrated with covid vaccine mandates and the Arrivecan app, an app on an iPhone or Android device that tracks the vaccine status of Canadian truckers entering Canada. They seek a practical solution to ending the current restrictions and mandates. That of course requires speaking directly to the government in one way or another.

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Canadian Truckers Have Started Canada’s Tea Party Movement

Even though Canada finds itself in a different position than the Americans did 13 years ago, the 2022 freedom trucker convoy is a response to the same sort of problem; government meddling with the healthcare of its citizens, burning boatloads of cash and damaging the economy in the process. 

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Rachel Notely Endorses Idea To “mandate the collection of race-based data”

Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notely posted a tweet today that states “It’s not enough to not be racist, we must be anti-racist,” above a video where she explained the Alberta NDP’s plan to “combat racism” which itself seems pretty racist.

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