BREAKING: NDP Agrees To Prop Up Liberal Government Until 2025

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, despite in the past rejecting the notion that the NDP was simply enabling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, has agreed to a tentative deal to prop up the government until 2025. 

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It Is Not Enough To End Vaccine Mandates, They Must Be Banned

To both restrain governmental power and to try and repair our society from what felt like a two-year-long social experiment, it is vital that the use of vaccine mandates be banned in the future. Civil liberties and civil cohesion are more important than medical bureaucrats’ opinions on what people should do with their own bodies.

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The Next Conservative Leader Needs To Serve The Base, Not The Media

One issue that always plagues Conservative Party leadership races in the past has been the candidates’ lack of courage to take hard stances on issues. Every candidate with a significant chance of winning is always hedging on their positions or promising the liberal legacy media that they will not take stands on ‘controversial’ issues.

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Petition Launched To Scrap Critical Race Theory And Gender Theory In Ontario Schools

Kronas has started a petition demanding that Bill 67 be voted down, the radical sex-ed and gender theory curriculum the PC government failed to dismantle be finally scrapped, and for merit and equality of opportunity to be valued in the education system instead of equity (ie. equality of outcome).

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The Ontario Establishment’s War On Parents And Children

At every turn, the government pushes the interests of activists instead of the interests of children and their parents.

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Ontario Introduces Critical Race Theory in Schools

Bill 67’s push to teach students about “racial equity” would make all programming fundamentally racist as it would promote discrimination based on race. Students will presumably be taught artificial racial balance must be achieved or one group must be promoted over another in the name of ‘social justice,’ rather than simply teaching kids about equality and individualism. 

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The Iconic Cafe Evicted After Serving Truckers During Freedom Convoy Protest

The landlord of the building the Iconic Cafe rents space in has apparently now arbitrarily decided to evict them for being “behind on rent” in spite of the fact that is true about many businesses around the area. It also comes after the Khuns were able to pay back over $15 000 following their business boom during the Freedom Convoy 

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Destroys Reporter For “Don’t Say Gay Bill” Question

Yesterday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis received a question from a legacy news reporter at a recent press event about a new Republican bill currently going through the Flordia Senate which the state Democrats have labeled the “don’t say gay bill.” 

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British Columbia Won’t Drop Restrictions Despite Low Hospitalizations – What’s Going On?

Sadly for BC residents, they are living in a province that seems to be keeping in place COVID-19 restrictions, and in some cases preventing people from working due to being unvaccinated, in order to make a cheap political point.

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Legacy Media Asks Jewish Convoy Organizer To Respond to “White Nationalist” Accusation

Just today Freedom Convoy organizer Benjamin Dichter was messaged by Sarah Smellie  journalist from Canadian Press asking him to answer “people who study” far-right movements who are accusing him of being an “extremist” and or a “white nationalist.”

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