BREAKING: NDP Agrees To Prop Up Liberal Government Until 2025

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on March 22, 2022

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, despite in the past rejecting the notion that the NDP was simply enabling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, has agreed to a tentative deal to prop up the government until 2025. 

In exchange for some minor movement on plans for universal pharmacare and dental care that the NDP has been pushing for, NDP MPs will vote with the Liberals on all confidence motions in Parliament. This will include the budget, as well as any motion tests the leadership of the government.

This move will ensure that the NDP will be seen as complicit with any unpopular action the Liberal government undertakes, likely only because Singh wanted to buy more time before the next election due to the NDP being nearly bankrupt.

Trudeau also likely favoured the deal in order to buy time before the next election (due to unpopularity, not money) as well as to try and push forward with legislation that he wanted to pass if he had won an outright majority. 

The reasons for this deal being brokered are not officially known yet, but Trudeau has called a cabinet meeting tonight, which the agenda of is not yet known. 

More should be coming on this story in the coming days.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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