Man Sexually Harassed Pro-Life Demonstrators In Hamilton, Ontario

The video shows a man trying to force the young pro-life advocates to view pornography on his phone. He is doing this in response to the pro-life signs used at the demonstration depicting the aftermath of an abortion. 

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Man Physically Assaults And Yells “I’ll Put A Bullet In Your Head” At Pro-Life Woman In Hamilton, Ontario

After the man begins to walk away from the woman filming, Josie Luetke (who is the youth coordinator for the CLC), until he notices her with the camera out and proceeds to threaten her for documenting his heinous statements, shouting, “Chick with the camera, if you put it in my face again I’ll put a bullet in your head.”

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The Crown Cannot Convict Tamara Lich, So Instead, They Are Legally Torturing Her

It seems like the Crown is being quite aggressive in their legal pursuit of Tamara Lich, by doing things like seeking a Canada-wide warrant against her, to have her arrested at work in Medicine Hat. In reality, everything the Crown is doing is meant only as delay or harassment tactics against Lich.

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Pierre Poilievre Says He Would Ban Federal Ministers From Attending World Economic Forum

Carlton MP, and Conservative Party leadership contestant, Pierre Poilievre said at a Stampede event in Calgary that when he is Prime Minister he will ban federal ministers in his government from attending the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

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Tamara Lich Denied Bail On False Ground, And Will Remain In Prison

Freedom Convoy 2022 organizer Tamara Lich was denied bail this afternoon, a week after being arrested and transported from Medicine Hat to Ottawa for supposedly violating her bail conditions. 

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Ontario Teachers Union Lesson Plan Seeks To Accuse Children Of Sexism And Racism

The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has been releasing multiple school resources for their member teachers to teach Ontario elementary-age children about “white privilege” through things like the Re-Think, Re-Connect, Re-Imagine PDF package they released fairly recently. 

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Patrick Brown Was Removed From CPC Leadership Race, And Should Never Have Been Let In Anyway

It is not much of a shock that Brampton Mayor, and former Ontario PC leader, Patrick Brown was disqualified from the federal Conservative Party leadership race. Anyone familiar with how Brown operates and how he won the 2015 Ontario PC leadership race knows he is a membership salesman to his core and holds very few conservative principles.

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James Topp To Face Court Marshall For Protesting Mandates While In Uniform

Not seeming to care that Warrant Officer James Topp in his protest, and subsequent march from the West Coast of Canada to Ottawa, was standing up for Canadian Charter rights and values (ie. what he is meant to defend as a member of the military), the Canadian Armed Forces are making Topp face a court marshall under the guise that he has been out of order.

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Global News Tries To Smear Pierre Poilievre For Marching With James Topp

Global News writer Rachel Gilmore, put out an article yesterday attempting to smear the reputation of both Carlton MP and Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre and veteran James Topp based on the thinnest guilt-by-association connection possible.

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Conservative Leader Candice Bergen Calls Out CTV Host For “Misinformation” On Freedom Convoy

This time CPC leader Candice Bergen pushed back on Solomon’s weak inferences that somehow Bergan and several CPC MPs have done something wrong by supporting the Freedom Convoy and meeting with organizers or influencers with the convoy. 

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