Man Sexually Harassed Pro-Life Demonstrators In Hamilton, Ontario

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on July 19, 2022

If you were ever under the impression that the harassment and assault of pro-life activists were rare (likely because the legacy media never covers it) The National Telegraph has found multiple instances of harassment at just one pro-life demonstration.

We previously covered that at a demonstration in Hamilton, Ontario, a man had threatened and assaulted the Campaign Life Coalition’s (CLC) youth co-coordinator, Josie Luetke, who posted both the video of the assault and has now posted another video of another man sexually harassing young pro-life activists. 

(Explicit language warning)

The video shows a man trying to force the young pro-life advocates to view pornography on his phone. He is doing this in response to the pro-life signs used at the demonstration depicting the aftermath of an abortion. 

His logic is that somehow the depiction of an aborted child is the equivalent of hardcore pornography that he is playing on his phone in front of the pro-life activists. 

After being confronted by Josie, the man states that the pro-life signs are obscene and then says, “I’ve had people’s lives affected by this kind of ****” although never elaborates on how raising awareness of what an abortion actually looks like affects people he knows. 

Josie at one point mentions she may call the police if he does not stop sexually harassing the other pro-life activists by displaying pornography in front of them, and the man (who refuses to give his name) retorts back by saying the police would kick them out of the area they were demonstrating. Of course, he then backs down when Josie challenges him to call the police on them. 

The man eventually desists from what he is doing and walks away from the group of pro-life activists on the street corner.

Josie, in a statement posted to the CLC’s website, said about the situation that it was far worse than the other man they dealt with later who threatened her life and then assaulted her. Josie stated that: 

His intent to bully us out of the public square by mocking our virtue, threatening its corruption, and making people noticeably much younger than him (three female and one a teenage male) deeply uncomfortable by forcibly exposing them to sexual content is incredibly malicious and evil. His soul is in grave danger, and we must pray for his repentance.

This is just another example of how it seems that a significant portion of left-wing Canadians think that it is at all morally acceptable to attack/harass people for being public in their pro-life beliefs. 

At no point do any of these people confronting the pro-life demonstrators ever try and have a reasonable conversation and argue why their stance in favour of abortion is more moral because they cannot. So instead they will, like Josie Luetke said, just try and bully them out of the public square so no conversations about life issues can take place. 

Again like I said in my last article, watch the legacy media not report on the assault/harassment being perpetrated against pro-life activists. 

(If you can, make sure to follow Josie Luetke on Twitter)

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

2 responses to “Man Sexually Harassed Pro-Life Demonstrators In Hamilton, Ontario”

  1. stop hatred says:

    josie luetke is a notorious bigot who regularly bullies and promotes hatred towards minorities – and harasses others, like she was in this situation – for which she got correctly called out. for josie to claim she was a victim is nothing but shameless hypocrisy. but then what else to expect from an ignorant bigot?

    stop shoving your hateful views on others, luetke, and nobody will give half a damn about you or your personal insecurities.

  2. JB says:

    @stopthehatred: typical libtard response, you don’t agree with someone’s view so you call them a bigot. Stop hatred?? How about stopping the slaughtering of innocent unborn babies, you moron. Liberals call anything they don’t agree with as hate or racist. It’s hateful and evil to abort babies! You think it’s okay for this disgusting pervert to show women porn on a public street where children could potentially see it?? You probably do because you obviously have a very skewed perspevctive of the eventson the video. This guy is clearly a disgusting person, especially if he just so happens to have porn at the ready on his phone.