Japan Rejects The Use Of A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – Zero Financial Privacy With No Benefits

It is important to note that outside of central bankers and politicians who see benefits in being able to consolidate financial power around the government, citizens have zero substantial incentives to use CBDCs, unless forced to or basically bribed to adopt them.

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Justin Trudeau’s Popularity Hits Record Low – Unlikely To Ever Win Another Election

It seems that since February Canadians have taken time to mull over what they think of Trudeau and the Liberal government’s performance in the context of the harsh crackdown on the freedom convoy, travel mandates, and runaway inflation, and are overwhelmingly tired of the current ways things are being done. 

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CTV News Falsely Reports Temperatures Are Rising Too Fast For Scientists To Calculate

One of the ridiculous climate alarmist stories to come out recently was the article from CTV News that claimed “Scientists say temperatures are getting ‘hotter faster’ than their tools can calculate,” which is a statement that needs so many qualifications it is effectively worthless. 

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The Media Is Calling People Who Read The WEF Website “Conspiracy Theorists”

Now, the most recent dangerous political trend on the left that the media is now denying is the widescale influence of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF), and the political philosophy of The Great Reset, from Schwab’s book of the same name. 

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Far-Left Activists Encourage ANTIFA Harassment Of James Topp Meet And Greet

It is not a shock that you will find nasty people on Twitter, making all sorts of vulgar remarks and personal attacks, but it is another thing to have people actively encourage ANTIFA to disrupt meet and greet events with pro-freedom veteran James Topp.

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Tamara Lich Granted Release From Prison – New Judge Has Had Enough Of Crown Prosecutor

The new judge overseeing Tamara Lich’s bail hearing this week, Justice Andrew Goodman, having a much clearer view of the law, has ruled that Lich should be released from prison and that the detainment of her in Medicine Hat and denial of Bail by Justice Paul Harris was “clearly inappropriate.” 

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Trudeau Is Stoking A Canadian Farmers’ Rebellion With His Attack On The Use Of Fertilizer

Clearly, if the Dutch farmers are rebelling against policies that would see their industry gutted in the long run it will be even worse in Canada where 2022’s mass protest movements first kicked off. Trudeau could find himself with even larger protests in Ottawa by the end of the year, based on mandates even more universally despised than travel mandates. 

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Without An Official Leader The Conservatives Are Still Outpolling The Liberals

Even then, as long as the next Conservative leader is an actual conservative, unlike Erin O’Toole, they will likely beat the Liberals on turnout alone. It seems unlikely that any Canadian not already in favour of the Liberals will vote for them, and even turning out those still sold on Trudeau may become difficult as the economy continues to slump, in large part because of disruptive Liberal economic policies.

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The Media Doesn’t Care That A Liberal MP Made Racist Comments About A Black Judge

Mount Royal MP Anthony Housefather seems to have inherited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ability to have the legacy media not properly cover scandals associated with him, as he recently got away with saying black SCOTUS judge Clarence Thomas wants antebellum slavery back. 

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Leslyn Lewis Slams The Liberals And Media For Pushing “racist narratives” About Minority Voters

Haldimand-Norfolk MP and Conservative Party leadership candidate Dr. Leslyn Lewis released a statement yesterday going after both the Liberal Party and legacy media’s “racist narratives” about minority Canadians. Dr. Lewis when she calls what these groups do “racist” is referring to the way they view minority voters as a block that all vote the same.

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