Political “assassin” claims to have “gutted” Scheer, Poilievre and Karahalios

Erin O’Toole’s National Director of Field Operations, David Parker, has been caught once again bragging about his vengeful and unethical political behaviour.  Parker, who was caught bragging about “ruining (Jim Karahalios) entire life”, is now claiming to be responsible for the political assassination of Andrew Scheer and Pierre Poilievre.

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Diverse Canadians Gather to Oppose the Chinese Communist Party

The main focus of the protest was the CCP’s genocide of the Muslim Uyghur people, the detention of the two Michaels in the Chinese prisons, asking for their immediate release, and the rights of all people to live in a free society.

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Simcoe Day: Celebrating Canada’s Anti-Slavery Past

Upper Canada was established in 1792, and in 1793 Simcoe put forward The Act Against slavery, which was the first major legislative attempt at banning slavery in the British Empire.  Although he was not successful at the total emancipation of the slaves and the abolition of the practice the bill did effectively kill most of the slave trading practice in Canada.

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Ford’s Bill 195 is a worse scandal than Trudeau’s WE fiasco

Just as the Conservatives rallied around Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott when they put their political careers on the line to stand for what was right, the Conservatives must rally around Belinda Karahalios or their smallest crime will be hypocrisy.

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Liberals regulatory pharma attitude is preventing new drugs from entering Canada

Canadians are very proud of our universal healthcare system, which is why sometimes legitimate criticisms are ignored out of fear of privatization.  However, for the system to benefit Canadians best some flaws need to be addressed.  This is what the Conservative and Green party is attempting to do with the life saving drug Trikafta, in […]

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Harper won Jewish Votes by Fighting Antisemitism, which CPC Candidate will do the same?

There have been two major incidents of antisemitism and not a single politician from any political party has done more than the absolute bare minimum (asking an intern to make a Twitter statement), and even said statements took days and weeks to ring out. All the while, municipal mayors clamour for eliminating racism but sideline anti-semitism.

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Protestors chant: “The Jews are our dogs.” Will the Left care?

Recent data shows that Jews are the number one target for hate crimes in Toronto, with Jews and Israeli being the target of 36% of the hate crimes, compared to 9% for blacks. This is consistent with last year’s data and historical trends. 

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Trudeau assumes all Arab States oppose Israel, could cost Canada UN Seat

In the last month, the Liberals have shifted away from Canada’s historic Israel and have started to equate them to totalitarian regimes like China. Justin Trudeau’s play here is rather transparent. He figures that he can win more votes from the Arab block by bashing Israel. Trudeau’s plan relies on two presuppositions. There are more Muslim majority countries than Jewish ones, and those Arab countries are motivated by their hatred of Israel.

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Should Canada declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization?

Recently, the Trump administration expressed their desire to declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization. Which should immediately bring up the question: should Canada follow suit?

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Justin Trudeau is not a leader, he is a mascot

In other words, he is not on the field working towards a common goal with his team. His is on the sidelines riling up the crowd. He is the mascot for the international Left.

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