Sliwa, having been a vigilante crime-fighting for decades, is not one for mincing words and tore into his Democratic opponent Eric Adams for his nonchalant attitude towards current NYC mayor Bill de Blasio effectively firing over 50,000 municipal workers if they are not vaccinated by Friday.
BREAKING: Today the Icelandic health authorities have suspended the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for all age groups. This comes on the heels of other Nordic countries stopping the use of Moderna for people under 30.
Afghanistan has fallen into the hands of terrorists in the Taliban, and the two desperate Afghanis falling to their deaths from an American plane leaving Kabul will likely be the lasting image of the Afghan war. So how did things go so wrong?
Black Lives Matter has marketed itself as an organization that is deeply concerned about the problem of police brutality. However, their recent endorsement of the Communist police state of Cuba while they are brutalizing their civilians asking for freedom casts some doubt on their ideology.
As these protests go on, the media figures and politicians who are known for backing the Cuban regime are largely silent about the blatant political repression. Bernie Sanders is one of few exceptions who has spoken out against the violence protestors have been met with, though he has largely blamed the US embargo for these protests as well; while known defenders of the regime such as Jagmeet Singh and other notable socialist figures remain generally silent, including Justin Trudeau who also had previously soft peddled Fidel Castro’s blood-soaked legacy.
The point being is that most mainstream coverage of the incidents as one-sided with Israel getting the raw end of the deal and with little or no context. The news stories portray a victimized Muslim/Palestinian community during the last important days of Ramadan (the holiest month of the Islamic calendar) being attacked indiscriminately by ‘wicked’ Israelis. As a result, all over the Muslim world, Muslims are in a hysterical frenzy posting on media, social media, writing, and exposing the ‘evil’.
Despite the Black Lives Matter organization and its supporters in Congress like Maxine Waters getting the “guilty, guilty, guilty” verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial that they wanted, it could all start falling apart due to the less-than-ideal conditions the trial was placed under.
Twenty mostly retired generals from the French Armed Forces have called for France to be put under the military’s rule if the government led by President Emmanual Macron cannot get control of the threat posed to the country by political Islamism.
During the 2020 election campaign for the US presidency, corporate media, Candidate Joe Biden aka Sleepy Joe and prominent democratic candidates for US senate and the house representatives repeated the assertion as they had for four years prior, that violence in America was a product of Donald Trump’s America.
China is using this new digital push to phase out its physical currency, but the main issue with this is that while cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are decentralized, currencies such as the digital yuan are controlled by the central bank; in this case, the Communist Party-controlled People’s Bank of China.
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