
NIAC Is Collapsing

For years NIAC has been able to benefit from general apathy towards Middle Eastern issues and has always been able to deflect a national conversation away from Iran often using a false equivalency with the Iraq war to turn off war-weary Americans. But now that the world is listening to the Iranian people, NIAC has lost its major advantage.

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NIAC Hoax: Negar Mortazavi Lies About A Bomb Threat

After the event was over Negar Mortazavi went online to claim victimhood status and even claimed that there was a bomb threat because of her talk. (She even still has the tweet pinned on her Twitter page at the time this article was published)

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How To Help The Iranian Revolution From Abroad

After the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini by the Islamic Republic’s morality police, the people of Iran have returned to the streets to overthrow the regime that has oppressed them for the last 43 years. This time for whatever reason the world is paying attention to the Iranian people more than they did in 2017 […]

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BREAKING: Explosions, Shots Fired – Uprising Near Evin Prison In Iran

Starting around 7 pm local time in Tehran, the capital of Iran, reports, and videos have started to emerge about shots being fired inside Evin Prison. For reference, Evin Prison is the most notorious prison under the control of the Islamic Republic famous for being the destination of high value political prisoners. 

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The Islamic Republic of Iran Murders Mahsa Amani For “Improper Hijab”

So Mahsa Amani might have had a few strands of hair showing, and for this, she was arrested and brutally beaten on the way to jail. On September 16th she succumbed to her wounds handed to her by the regime’s morality police and died in hospital. 

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New Socialist Narco-Linked Columbian President Is Bringing In A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

It should not be a surprise that so many socialist countries (like China) and world leaders are leading the charge toward the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). By definition, a socialist wants to socialize the economy around the state, and one great way of doing that is having the central bank take over the backend of your citizens’ bank accounts.

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Putin May Be Planning More Aggressive Moves In East-Europe: Moldova-Transnistria

Prior Russo-Ukrainian War (2014 to present) which is devastating to that nation, the tiny landlocked Moldova was the leading candidate for the most backward country in Europe. Situated between Romania and Ukraine, chief among Moldova’s issues is the unresolved ‘Transnistria war,’ and Russia’s stance on that issue. 

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Green Energy Fails: Europe Has To Rely On Coal Power As Russia Constricts Oil And Gas Flow

After several weeks of individual European countries expanding coal-based power generation due to Russia constricting O&G supplies due to the Ukraine conflict, esp. in the examples of Germany and Italy, etc, the Eurozone as a whole has had to pivot to coal as the energy source of choice for the near future. 

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EU MPs Call Justin Trudeau An Authoritarian And “a disgrace to any democracy”

Justin Trudeau may have the government-subsidized legacy media in Canada to defend him from criticism and ignore his authoritarian tendencies, but just yesterday in the European Union’s Parliament Trudeau received rarely heard criticism in an unfiltered arena.

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I Was Attacked At The Australian War Memorial For Protesting Lockdowns

It was a moment none of us saw coming, where we, looking like a group of Aussies at the cricket, belted out our chants for freedom, and then sung the national anthem with the gusto of prisoners who were momentarily free. And them pondering what to do.

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