The day the story broke I watched all of the CBC’s flagship program The National and exactly zero seconds were devoted to the story. It was like a major corruption scandal involving the Prime Minister and his family was not newsworthy.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has designated the opposition’s latest motion to set-up a committee that would look into the WE scandal as a confidence vote. Since the prorogation of parliament the Conservative MPs, as well as members of the NDP, have been working in an attempt to arrange a committee/committees that would look into the […]
Canadians should be very interested in how, over the next month, Canadian media operates as it will be an indicator of where modern journalism stands. Are we living in a time where journalists are the defenders of truth, or corruptible political mercenaries?
Nobody should be that shocked that in the coming weeks Trudeau’s personal popularity plunges below 40 percent as well as the Liberal party’s approval is overtaken by the Conservatives who have cast themselves as Trudeau’s toughest critics.
Prime Minister Trudeau cannot hide from the latest scandal. Nor can he dismiss it with a simple ‘sorry’. He didn’t make a mistake – he made a choice to hand almost a billion dollars to a charity that has paid multiple members of his immediate family almost $300,000 for speaking events when other speakers were not paid. An organization that also employs immediate family members of the Finance Minister’s family.
Just as the Conservatives rallied around Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott when they put their political careers on the line to stand for what was right, the Conservatives must rally around Belinda Karahalios or their smallest crime will be hypocrisy.
[…] National Telegraph […]