Jagmeet Singh

Jagmeet Singh and the NDP’s Economic Platform is All Nationalization

As Canadians across the country become fed-up with Justin Trudeau’s left-wing economic and social record, many have looked to the NDP as an alternative, only to find even more radical socialist views which appear to only be becoming more fringe as an election looms on in the distance.

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Jagmeet Singh Joined Communist Streamer Who Said “America deserved 9-11”

Piker is notorious for his politically-charged rants. In 2019 he received an immense amount of blowback after making comments that America deserved 9/11. He also went on to disparage American troops and attacked Dan Crenshaw, mocking him for the loss of his eye.

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Jagmeet Singh thinks Trump is Dangerous but not Fidel Castro

Singh is technically right if we ignore all the political executions, famines, poverty, communist indoctrination in schools, and the inability for Cubans to leave Cuba.

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Jagmeet Singh Sold the NDP to Trudeau, For Free

It would not be a major shock to see Singh come under an intense leadership review at the next NDP Annual General Meeting and potentially get replaced by a more hardline union NDP leader, as the hyper progressive base Singh has cultivated has not been a proven election winner in the past let along after what he has done in recent days.

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Jagmeet Singh has Destroyed the NDP

The NDP of the 1960’s under Tommy Douglas is not the same party as Jagmeet Singh’s modern iteration. The NDP has historically been seen as a party for the Canadian worker with socailist roots.  Under the leadership of Jagmeet Singh though, he has transformed the NDP into another mouthpiece for Far-left ideologies like Critical Race […]

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Canadian MSM props up Jagmeet Singh after expulsion from Parliament

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh made headlines yesterday, June 17th, after getting kicked out of the House of Commons, following a spat with Bloc MP Alain Therrien. Singh accused Therrien of being a racist and then refusing to retract the charge. Mr. Singh’s gaffes as a rookie continued with another tangent about racism/systemic racism following his […]

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